Yearly Taxes

Are there any Americans that have been in Malta for a few years, and have paid your taxes? I've read all the 'offical' post on it, just looking to see how you handle it, and do you think it cost less than in the states?

I have been in Malta for 5 years . We have to file taxes here and in the US. The cost of filing is a bit higher, there are more forms to complete . H & R Block have an expat department,  you might want to contact them.


I'm going to be doing mine on a retirement visa, do you still have to pay the min $7500 a year there, or do you just pay the 15%.

Sorry I don't understand your question

If you are referring to US taxes I recommend giving H&R Block A call

If you refer to Maltese taxes suggest you contact aldovassallomalta

Just FYI I am also a Maltese citizen so my tax situation is different to yours,  probably why I don't understand your question.

The link is for Aldo Vassallo he is a Maltese tax consultant