Understanding "uninterrupted stay" for PR

Hi all, I need some help to better understand what the details are around the 5year "uninterrupted stay" in Belgium to be eligible for Permanent Residency. The details of this are unclear. What qualifies as an interruption in stay (holidays? Business travels? Visiting family for longer periods of say 1-2 months?)? What are the exact duration limitations around stay interruptions? I've read about 6 months over a one year period, or 12 months over 5 years or even 18 months/5 years for highly qualified persons. Can anyone advise?

Thank you!

    Hi all, I need some help to better understand what the details are around the 5year "uninterrupted stay" in Belgium to be eligible for Permanent Residency. The details of this are unclear. What qualifies as an interruption in stay (holidays? Business travels? Visiting family for longer periods of say 1-2 months?)? What are the exact duration limitations around stay interruptions? I've read about 6 months over a one year period, or 12 months over 5 years or even 18 months/5 years for highly qualified persons. Can anyone advise?
Thank you!


Did you got the answer?

As far as I know its 10 months in 5 years so on an average not more than 2 months every year.

also if you are going to be out of country for more than 3 months better to inform your commune.