Is a monthly gross 72 000 DKK salary good for Copenhagen?


Apologies for this common asked question. I am evaluating an offer for a job in Copenhagen and I found different conversions of this salary into net, on different online salary calculator.

I am not sure of what my net earning will be and the information from the Danish tax calculator is not clear for me as well.

Could anyone advise please what my actual net salary/income will be and if this is a good salary to leave  with my wife in Copenhagen?

I read about a "Tax scheme for foreign researchers and highly-paid employees" but it is not clear if the eligibility should be periodically evaluated or if once granted it is applied for the entire 84 months period?

The context: I intend to move with my wife but she will not work there at least in the first year. I will rent a one bedroom apartment in Copenhagen.

Monthly Base salary   Dkr.    72.000

Pension                         10%

Other benefits to mention:

PFA health insurance – Health check

Many thanks for help,


Hi Rufus,

If you are offered such a high salary, I take that the company will also offer you advice regarding taxation, pension scheme, housing etc. If not, do ask for it. … esearchers

The salary requirement must be met as an average monthly salary within a calendar year.

The 2024 salary limit is 76,000 kroner. … eordningen

Blot er det vigtigt at være opmærksom på beløbsgrænsen reguleres hvert år. Vi anbefaler derfor, at det af ansættelsesaftalen fremgår, at vederlaget som minimum skal svare til lønkravet i forskerskatteordningen. Det er nemlig ikke helt nemt at få tilladelse til reparation, hvis lønnen falder til under dette. Skattestyrelsen lægger meget vægt på, hvad arbejdsgiveren indberetter til eIndkomst-systemet og har nemt ved at udsøge de tilfælde, hvor lønnen ikke er høj nok.

Based on the following elements: You and your wife settle in Copenhagen, your wife doesn't work, your income is 864,000 kroner, your yearly tax will amount to 267,600 kroner.

If we assume that your total taxable income will be 900,000 kroner, tax will amount to 284,379 kroner.

If your wife works, you'll not profit from her personal deduction, why the tax on an income of 864,000 kroner will amount to 285,323 kroner, and if you have an income of 900,000 kroner, the tax will be 302,102 kroner.
