Senior Independent Living Facilities

Are there many senior independent living apartments with health monitoring?  i saw one —the Senior Home— in buenos aires.  Any idea of cost?

The Senior Home cost is not easily found out - so I suspect it is a lot...

But you can do a search for something like

buenos aires cuidado de ancianos

...and get plenty of hits.  This site explains that costs may range from around 250,000 pesos a month for those requiring little care, and up to 2,500,000 a month and more for those requiring more care: … ona-norte/

The above site also explains that many sites will not give prices until they do an evaluation first to determine the level of services necessary:

Por esto las residencias para mayores no divulgan los precios y suelen pasar un rango de valores que se confirma una vez que el médico de la residencia junto con el responsable del familiar y de la residencia hayan consensuado en las necesidades del futuro residente.

To get a firm price, you would have to contact one of the care centers and detail what level of service is desired/needed, in conjunction with their staff and the family of the person to be cared for.  Some companies will give different levels of care at the person's home, while others are apartment-type residences or complexes for adultos mayores.  In all cases there are different levels of care with different costs.


Thank you.  Really good info.