New members of the Philippines forum, introduce yourselves here - 2024

All good Charlie.

As said there are many visa types, on a visitor visa here you need to do a visa run every 3 years unlike Thailand, many friends there fly out in the evening and return the next day.

Here the visitor visa costs me around P22/23K per year or say US 400 bucks. As for extensions it depends on the immi office you visit, here they only do 2 month extensions as they are only 40 minutes away I stick with them and visit 6 times a year and most times I'm the only one there so a 10 minute process. Bigger offices offer up to 6 month extensions or there is always the SRRV program with the PRA, if married then a Balakbayan or 13a visa. (google will be your best friend when it comes to visa types).

English is a blessing here as I have travelled all over the world and comms can be a big issue, here after 13 years I have a very basic grasp on Tagalog and my area Ilocano but like you say difficult for a constructive conversation. Our caretaker/cleaner that lives here is as bad with English as I am with Ilocano but it works and he is a good dude.

As for acquired taste here I suppose it depends where you live, Big cities are not for me with traffic and pollution etc. others love city life while where my better half's family live 40 minutes down the road, so much traffic, so many poor people but the worst is the stink from the semi open drainage in the street, all sit on the street as the houses are too hot. There are so many areas that are perfect and you will love but you need to look and look well to find a decent retirement location so you don't regret it later. Yapping dogs, crowing roosters, noisy traffic, smells, unsavory types and burning trash but also proximity to services.

The food is fine but tends to be over salted, too much vinegar etc. etc. Give me Thai food any day. They don't have voice mail here while most countries have had the service for 30 plus years, you call someone here and can't leave a msg, have to keep trying.

The bureaucracy and ineptitude can be second to none but I have learnt to smile and deal with problems that arise,,,,,,, constantly

Living here with banking was never a problem coming from Australia, same with all companies I used to deal with, informed them my phone in Oz was going to be turned off so email comms only. I always for 30 odd years notified my bank I was travelling to xyz countries for this period, never a problem, even Amex. When we moved back permanently 5 years ago I let my banks know my new number in PH for one time passwords and has been perfect for shifting funds and living here.

Have fun Charlie.

Cheers, Steve.

Hi, I'm Tom. I'm American. Living in California now. Retired. Considering moving to PH. Checking out Cebu City as a possibility. Sketching out a scouting trip there in early 2025. Two months or so. January - March or thereabouts. Start in Cebu City and then travel out from there some. I visited PH once previously but long ago and very briefly. Just saying "Hi" at this point but eventually I'll probably have some questions and seek to make some local contacts. Best regards to all!

Hello tomcebu,

Welcome to 1f600.svg

Thank you for the introduction.

You can start a new thread on the Philippines forum to ask your questions and discuss any topics with other members of the forum.


Cheryl team


Greg M. here from Ottawa, Canada. I've been in Subic / Angeles / Manila for about a year and a half with a break of a few months. I am now living in the Subic area, just outside Olongapo, the original naval reserve that includes the Freeport.

I am interested in getting to know fellow expats here. I teach English as a second language to adults in business or corporations, which is  a natural thing to do given my degrees are in English, Education and business.

I have a Facebook group for Canadians in Subic, and am probably an experienced expat by most standards.

If I can be of help, let me know.

I'm 61 yo retired military, been to Phillipines twice, absolutely gorgeous, thinking about serious, I just remember the beauty thinking alot on retire there, surfing learning 🤔


Lived in Cebu for just under three years in 2015 through 2017.  was an active member of LIVING IN CEBU form started be Paul who sadly died of cancer in 2018.  coming back with my wife in August for a short visit.

Hello all,

i lived in Cebu for three years back in 2015 with my son getting  his visa to come to the USA.  He is now graduated from collage here and starting his own career as an RN.  i was an active member of a form back then called ”LINING IN CEBU”.  That group helped me adjust to life there and were a GREAT bunch of EXPATS.  Not sure if that form even exists anymore.  it kind of went downhill after the founder, (Paul P.) died of cancer in 2018.

My wife and i are planning a trip to Cebu in August.  I'm sure it's changed there since i left in 2017.

Welcome Soarking17, we are glad to have you.

Cebu City continues to get more and more congested every year. I moved there in 2014 after I met my girlfriend but we moved out during the pandemic and are on Negros now. Still love to visit the city a couple of times a year though.

Welcome Gaoulesa, we have several members in the greater Manila area, probably a few in Subic. I suggest you post a thread on the main Philippines forum.


Welcome majorstudz, what's stopping you?

If you like adventure, the Philippines is the place!


I am brand new to this forum and happy to be here.  I am a veteran of the US Army (Airborne Field Artillery) and, since honorably separating, have been in manufacturing management for many years.  I will be retiring for good within the next 12 months and will also be marrying my Filipina.

My plan is to finally marry and move permanently to the Philippines.  I am finding many discussions on the visa options and the process for applying to those visas.  I look forward to the detailed discussions and may reach out to other forum members when I need clarity on achieving my ultimate retirement objective.

Thank you for having me as a member.



I'm new to the forum.  My name is Ed and I live in Phoenix, USA.  I'm considering retiring in the Philippines in January.  I have lots of questions.  I'd love to correspond with someone by email. I wish you all the very best!

Hi Cyclone Ed, welcome to the forum, enjoy and participate.

Best to ask your questions here in the forum as you will get a variety of opinions and info.

Good luck.

Cheers, Steve.

Hi from BC Canada. I'm a 52 year old photographer currently planning my second visit to the Philippines for January 2025. Last year was a couple weeks spent mostly in the Cebu area and this time i've got 6+ weeks to island hop, not just for the experiences and photo ops but also in hopes of finding my retirement paradise. Looking forward to learning and sharing with the expat community here.


Welcome to the forum Mike.

Ask away and find your answers. A nice place to visit is El Nido on Palawan or the chocolate hills in Bohol,,,,, so many places to visit here especially if photography is your forte.

Good luck and enjoy the forum.

Cheers, Steve.

61 and retiring, Served in Phillipines It's a paradise, been stationed everywhere, really thinking hard about Philippines, help me out if you can

Hi Major, welcome to the forum.

I see you posted over a month ago and no questions=limited to no responses. I could only suggest to scour the forum and also ask members questions, most here are willing to help, simply get involved and enjoy.

Good luck.

Cheers, Steve.

Hi my name is Martin, im looking to move to Philippines in due course. im just checking out what expats are here before i make the jump, as i dont wont to be house bound… where is the expats community in Manila?

    Hello there! I am not really new in the Philippines, but I am new in this forum. My name is Alexandra, I am a cosmopolite Swiss who fell in love with this country long ago. I am back here after 4 years in my home place. I used to be a volunteer in Davao, then a social work student in Manila. Now I am hoping to work in Manila, as an online French teacher (that's not new)  and hopefully as an artist. Yet, my dream is to make a difference for street kids and to work with/for them. Being an oddball, I don't know yet the how and the when. What I love about the Philippines? The people first. I always try my best to immerse myself completely among the local population, and it's a rewarding experience. People will treat you as one of them! It would be way more to say, but that's all for a first intro... 😊        -@xandravon

félicitations pour votre engagement, c'est vrai qu'il y a deux mondes entre BGC, Boracay et Bicutan !!

Translation added : congratulations for your commitment, it's true that there are two worlds between BGC, Boracay and Bicutan!!

Moderated by Bhavna 2 months ago
Reason : Please write only in english in this section of the forum
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

@Cyclone Ed Hi Ed, what part are you looking to move to, I will be looking to retire in 6 years time there, if not sooner... Martin

@pva74 félicitations pour votre engagement, c'est vrai qu'il y a deux mondes entre BGC, Boracay et Bicutan !!

This forum definitely has versions in which French is the spoken language but here, the service terms provide for the use of English only so that all members can communicate over the issues. Thanks.

    @pva74 félicitations pour votre engagement, c'est vrai qu'il y a deux mondes entre BGC, Boracay et Bicutan !!
This forum definitely has versions in which French is the spoken language but here, the service terms provide for the use of English only so that all members can communicate over the issues. Thanks.



Why is it multiple people post in French?

@Enzyte Bob


When a member creates an account, he must choose the language in which he wants to access the website. It happens that they choose the wrong language. I just changed the language option in the upper member's settings.



I love Philippines and planing to visit there so to see if I can move and live there

@Julien Hi, new to the forum. Going to be visiting on a vacation to check things out. I'm looking to eventually move to the Philippines permanently here in the next 2-3 years.

Third time here and staying.

Building a House in Roxas City, Capiz

Man asked me today why and I said I don't like winter.

Alan R Estes

MSgt USAF Ret.

Welcome to the forum Hower. Check it out first before making plans to move permanently. Visit several areas.

    Third time here and staying.Building a House in Roxas City, CapizMan asked me today why and I said I don't like winter.Alan R EstesMSgt USAF Ret.        -@alanrestes1953

Welcome to the forum Alan. Several of us have built homes here in the PI.


Hey There!

My husband and I are retiring to the Philippines just after the first of the year.

I've worked extensively in Asia throughout my career. He's making his first trip in when we come in October to check things out. Lots of trust here....

We're Heinz 57 Americans. We're gay and looking to meet other mature gay folks for friendship and fellowship. (*Footnote: We're totally and completely committed to each other and won't be looking for additional playmates, so don't ask.) We just celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary. We're people of faith.

Of course we're counting on making all kinds of new friends, we'd just like to connect with other like minded folks when we land.

We're looking very strongly at Dumaguete as we're told there are quite a few gay expats there and it also checks off a lot of other boxes for us. Like when our kids come to visit. We're told they won't get bored.

We're really excited about our move and look forward to all kinds of new adventures.

Any and all good advise will be greatly appreciated.


D & D Ross

Hi all.  Nice to meet you....I'm Robert from USA. 

I just got back from a 45 day trip to visit my girlfriend on Leyte.  The trip seemed so short. I had such a great time despite 135% humidity, a sinus infection for the first 2 weeks, a motorcycle accident with black eye, broken rib, an infection from a wound to my foot, and a messed up shoulder 1f62d.svg. I stayed with my gf out in the province with mostly reliable electricity (only about 5 brownouts during any given week)  but close enough to town to have wifi (90% reliable) and a trickle of running water (except saturday mornings).

I never got used to the flies, mosquitos, ants, tuko lizards, loud motorcycles, and rain on the tin roof interrupting my non-airconditioned, open-air sleep.  And then there is the random videoke until the wee hours of the morning.  It seems like the residents of the nearby barangays conspired to always have a party at a different place every day/night/midnight.  They sure like to take advantage of the 24 hour videoke rentals despite the theoretical 10pm loud noise curfew 1f631.svg

All that said, I loved it my trip!  I was quickly welcomed into my gf's extended family and enjoyed several birthday parties with way too much food to eat (sometimes with gloves, but mostly just with naked fingers).    I quickly became "Uncle Robert" to the nieces and nephews of my gf.  Oh, and be very careful of the Tuba, it sneaks up on you and can cause you to sing your own version of videoke 1f61c.svg

While I was there, we visited Manila, Cebu, Bohol, and the Comotes islands (i still have a lot to learn about the ferry schedules).  We did some scuba certification and diving around Panglao, Bohol and Balicasag Island 1f60d.svg.  Diving is relaxing, even with the black eye and other significant injuries. 

Now....I'm taking care of of personal issues back home, finishing some contract work, and hope to return for a longer visit starting December.  Within 2025, I hope to divest of all my property and belongings here and 'retire' as expat to the Philippines.  I hope this forum helps me understand more about the process.

Wow Robert, what an adventure, lol.  Never a dull moment..

It sounds like you packed a lot into those 45 days.

Just be careful out there, man. And welcome to the forum.

    Wow Robert, what an adventure, lol.  Never a dull moment..
It sounds like you packed a lot into those 45 days.

Just be careful out there, man. And welcome to the forum.


Yes, we packed a lot in.  but also had some good relaxing time on the beaches with gf and her family

@Julien Hello y'all. I'm new here. Found a lot of conversation here very interesting. I'd love to connect and hang with you all! Hope you're all well! I'm free to chit chat anytime!

@Julien And so, funny thing is, I've been reading here for 2 hours and checking the setting but couldn't find where I could change my profile photo. 😂😂😂

Welcome, Secretariat.

In the upper right you will see a magnifying glass - the search function. To the left of that is your personal settings button. Click on that, then select Account Settings. When that page opens up, click directly on your Personal icon (a round circle in upper left). You will see a drop-down that allows you to upload an image.


Hi to all,

I'm Stephan from Germany, will retire in the Philippines (have my SSRV visa already) and will be living in Ilocos Norte with my partner.

I'm very excited about this new step in my life and can't wait for our house to be finished so we will have a permanent home there!

We are also planning to put up a small guest house (I was a B&B host for many years in Cape Town, South Africa).

Looking forward to read what others have to say here.


           Welcome Stephan from Germany!!!  We have a house in suburban Vigan, Ilocos Sur.  Where will you be living in Ilocos Norte?  We have family living right outside the capitol.

Hi and thanks for your note! Our house is above Paoay Lake, my partner is from Paoay and he has family in Vigan, so he goes there every now and then.

Have you been in the Philippines for a long time?

Welcome to the forum Heppycheppy.

You live in a nice part of the world there though not been for many years have good memories of Laoag and Pagadpud. Surrounds.

We are in La Union north of San Juan and the better half's family are in San Fernando City,,,,,, far enough away that they are not regular visitors and the better half drops in on them once a week or more. He likes the quiet life away from the city.

Good luck with your building and I'm sure you will enjoy.

Cheers, Steve.

    Hi and thanks for your note! Our house is above Paoay Lake, my partner is from Paoay and he has family in Vigan, so he goes there every now and then.
Have you been in the Philippines for a long time?


We are snow birds, live in PA, USA for 6 months and then spend 6 months in Philippines.