Where to look for this kind of lodger / companion ?

Hello Expats!

I have a beautiful house and garden in a stunning, unspoiled spot on the side of a valley in Haute Savoie (near Aillon le Vieux - about 45 mins 'up the hill' from Chambéry).

I spend my time between the UK and France - less and less in France - but my Mum (76) lives in my house full-time, with her dogs.

Until recently, she had a British lodger (of a similar age) - also with a dog - who contributed to the monthly bills, but otherwise stayed rent-free in exchange for doing bits and pieces around the house and garden.

My Mum is perfectly healthy, but at 76 is beginning to struggle with the sort of maintenance that a big house / garden in the mountains requires.

I have never advertised (as such) for this kind of lodger / companion - nor is it something I have seen much - and don't really know where to start, so I thought I would start here and see if anyone has any tips / ideas...

Thank you!


Hello and welcome on board Julian !

Please note that I have created this new thread from your post on the Haute Savoie forum so that members can help.

I think the best way is to talk to people around (restaurant, cafe, hair salon etc) if they know someone who could fit this profile.

Maybe advertise  in local newspapers or just put up as poster.. You can also create an advert in the Classifieds section under the community category.

All the best
