Massage licensing requirements


I am a Registered Massage Therapist in Canada and I am currently applying for my permanent residency. Once I have my PR, will I need any further licensing from Belize to practice massage? Canada has the highest standard of education in the world when it comes to massage so I am hoping that my Canadian education and license will be sufficient to set up my own practice there but I can't find any info on this anywhere. Please note, I am not asking about a work permit, I know I can't get that, I will be a permanent resident.

@Lynn Seaton

Are you currently in Belize? I haven't seen anyone successfully apply for permanent residency while out of the country.

I'm confused by the statement that you can't get a work permit. Both foreign citizens and permanent residents can get temporary employment permits, especially if you hold a university degree and are doing something that doesn't directly compete with the usual Belize tourism jobs. You will need to pay Belize tax and renew the permit annually if you plan to practice for several years. If you plan to set up your own practice you would self-sponsor as a self employed business owner.

I know a couple of different people that have set up health and wellness retreats in Belize legally and neither had achieved their permanent resident status - it is definitely possible. They were licensed in other countries for their specific specialties and Belize allowed them to practice using those credentials under their work permit.

Canada does Not have the highest education in the world ….

    Canada does Not have the highest education in the world ….        -@Cliffbbj     

Go back and re-read the original statement. By trunkating the statement, You totally changed the contexts. 🙄