Cost of living in France in 2024

Hello everyone,

As every year, we invite you to share your experience regarding the cost of living in France, and if possible, in the specific region or city where you live. This will help members who are planning to relocate in France.

Here are some points to guide you; the idea is to provide average prices for each category:

When it comes to housing, what is the cost of renting or buying an apartment or house in France?

How much do you pay for public transports such as buses, subways, trains, trams, or taxis?

Could you share the average monthly cost of your grocery shopping?

What is the cost of health insurance? How much does a medical consultation cost in France?

What are the tuition fees for children?

What are the average monthly costs for electricity, gas, water, internet, and phone plans?

For leisure activities, how much does it cost monthly?

If there are other expenses you find relevant, please feel free to share them!

Thank you for your contribution. Team

Metro, bus and parking cost in Toulouse

Metro is 1.80€ for 1 hour in one direction, you can buy 10 rides for 15€. Busses are the same cost. You can buy a monthly pass for about 69€ or a senior pass for 35€ but getting one has proven a pain.

Parking is hell. In Minime you pay 30€ for a maximum of 5 hours at a meter. The first 2 hours are reasonable, but you need to keep moving. You must move about 3/4 of a kilometer away to find a free space.



Please note that I have added your post to the thread of the France forum as it perfectly fit the topic and it is a great addition.

Thank you so much


Eggses my precious!

In Toulouse :

at the weekly outdoor market 6 eggs in your own carton, 1.70€.

at Coop market 6 eggs in your own carton (extra large) are 1.90€

6 pre-packaged organic eggs can be 2.70€

A pretty big price spread.

I buy whole grain rye or spelt bread at coop market because I am diabetic. So this is for a rather limited interest group.

A SMALL (but dense) loaf of either type is 4.70-4.90€ per loaf

Air bnb studio apartment in Minimes, Toulouse, just over 1000€ per month

Broken tooth!

Dental consult 30€ including simple xray

Panoramic xray, remove remaining amalgam, prepare and coat surface, cast a mould, manufacture fake tooth, glue in fake tooth  686.86€

No idea about insurance, I pay cash.