Cost of living in Vietnam in 2024

Hello everyone,

As every year, we invite you to share your experience regarding the cost of living in Vietnam, and if possible, in the specific region or city where you live. This will help members who are planning to relocate in Vietnam.

Here are some points to guide you; the idea is to provide average prices for each category:

When it comes to housing, what is the cost of renting or buying an apartment or house in Vietnam?

How much do you pay for public transports such as buses, subways, trains, trams, or taxis?

Could you share the average monthly cost of your grocery shopping?

What is the cost of health insurance? How much does a medical consultation cost in Vietnam?

What are the tuition fees for children?

What are the average monthly costs for electricity, gas, water, internet, and phone plans?

For leisure activities, how much does it cost monthly?

If there are other expenses you find relevant, please feel free to share them!

Thank you for your contribution. Team


Fully furnished 1 bedroom apartment Vo Chi Vong, Tay Ho, Hanoi VND 8M per month.  Electricity VND 3500K pet unit.

An abundance of inexpensive property for rent in Hanoi - don't be fooled by 'agents' and their nonsense $500+ minimum for 1 bedroom apartments. 

Hey secedit,

Thank you for the advice. I hope that newcomers will take heed of this detail to prevent any potential discomfort.


Cheryl team

Hi Cheryl, all.

I'll copy/paste some of my comments from last years similar thread, and note any changes.

When it comes to housing, what is the cost of renting or buying an apartment or house in Vietnam?

I had a home in Saigon, 2 bedrooms, 2 baths, full livingroom/kitchen, air in both bdrms, and a balcony for both. 2017-2019, at 7,000,000VND mnth(~$300USD).

Then I moved north to T.P.Thai Nguyen, 2019-2022. Brand new, beautiful all wooden home, 2 bedrms, air in both bdrms, second floor open concept with large deck, 1/4 acre land with 6' brick wall- 2,500,000VND mnth (~$100USD).

Currently here in Phu Quoc, 2022-present, modern (2017) construction brick open concept home on a very large lot costs me 3,000,000VND mnth(~$130USD) (in 2023. now, 2024 3,250,000VND, or ~$135USD)

All of these rental units were totally unfurnished, meaning I had a considerable outlay, right from the get-go. Had to purchase everything from the teaspoons up to the fridge. Everything!

To fill the home with modern furnishings (leather couch/chairs/coffee table, bed and mattress, wardrobes, dressers, desks, kitchen table and chairs, mirrors etc etc), the cost was considerable, at ~75,000,000VND (~$3,300USD)

How much do you pay for public transports such as buses, subways, trains, trams, or taxis?

Usually zero, as we ride our motorcycle(s) 365 days, rain or shine. When we feel we might indulge in some tipple, grabcar is always an option, and is seriously cheap! eg. ~20 kilometer trip from my current home to the airport cost 180,000VND (~$8USD). I'll round it out to be ~500,000VND mnth(~$20USD) to include gas for the bikes. (no change, 2024)

Could you share the average monthly cost of your grocery shopping?

We are presently running about 4,500,000VND mnth(~$200USD) (in 2023. now, 2024 up slightly to 5,000,000VND, or ~$205USD). It could be done much cheaper, but due to my being a committed meatitarian, the cost is a little higher here. There's always fresh fruit and veggies, delicious breads and pastries on hand too, for when the hankering hits me :). Also, the garden provides us with plenty of (free) fresh fruits, edible flowers, wild greens.

What is the cost of health insurance? How much does a medical consultation cost in Vietnam?

I'm self insured, so no idea what industry rates would be. Local clinic here, 2024, charges 100,000VND for CBC (complete blood count), or ~$4USD. A full physical examination was quoted at 500,000VND, or ~$20USD.

What are the tuition fees for children?

I've no school-age children, but reports from members, for private int'l schools, range anywhere from $1,500 per month/child, up to a staggering $3,500 per month/child. Enrolment in the public education system is not an option for the children of foreigners.

What are the average monthly costs for electricity, gas, water, internet, and phone plans?

Electricity currently, running 2 air cons/fridge/washing machine/hot water heater in shower is averaging about 500,000VND mnth(~$20USD) (2024, 800,000VND, or ~$35USD)

Gas for the propane stove is 100,000VND mnth(~$5USD) (no change, 2024)

Fresh potable water, delivered 150,000VND mnth(~$6USD) (no change, 2024)

Internet 250,000 mnth(~$10USD) (no change, 2024)

Telephone 100,000 mnth(~$5USD) (no change, 2024)

For leisure activities, how much does it cost monthly?

Shopping sprees to the mainland from Phu Quoc Island (now incorporated as Phu Quoc City), hobbies, (ahem) consumables, impulse buys, etc etc vary from day-to-day. Suffice it to say that it is a considerable amount, but all are absolutely optional.

I must stress, without the invaluable assistance of local VN friends, this low cost of living figure would never be possible.

Hope this information is helpful

note: the VND to USD, and the VND to CDN have been favourable, hence even a noticeable increase in the VND price-tag of an item year-over-year is essentially inconsequential

Always very helpful Aidan. 1f60a.svg

Thank you for your input!

When it comes to housing, what is the cost of renting or buying an apartment or house in Vietnam?

I rent a brand new 2 bed 92m2 apartment at Celadon City Tan Phu HCMC. Unfurnished but with full air con & kitchen installed.....15,000,000 per month including management fee + 3 motorbike parking 120,000 per month per bike + water charge (not drinking) 150,000 per month.

I am also a landlord & rent out a 2 bed apartment 73m2 in District 12 part furnished for 7,000,000 per month. Tenant pays management fee which includes water & 3 motorbike parking & comes in at aprox 900,000vnd.


How much do you pay for public transports such as buses, subways, trains, trams, or taxis?.........Never use public transport or taxis so cant comment.

Could you share the average monthly cost of your grocery shopping?..........supermarket shopping (member day AEON Mall 5% discount) 3,000,000 per month average. Street market shopping about 1,000,000 per month

What is the cost of health insurance? How much does a medical consultation cost in Vietnam?.......this year I  have reduced to in patient only & 2,000usd excess (73 year old person) 3,500usd per year international cover except USA.

What are the average monthly costs for electricity, gas, water, internet, and phone plans?........electric only 800,000vnd average. Phone & 4 g 90,000,000vnd. Internet & TV  in apartment 1,500,000 for 6 months with one extra month free so 7 months. drinking water about 70,000vnd per month.

For leisure activities, how much does it cost monthly?....walking in Celadon Park is free.

If there are other expenses you find relevant, please feel free to share them!........1,000,000 per month would be an average I think.

Thank you for your contribution. Team


Thank you for your detailed post @goodolboy !

It is very much appreciated and will surely benefit members.

All the best


"When it comes to housing, what is the cost of renting or buying an apartment or house in Vietnam?"

The better half (local) and I rent a 88m² 2 bedroom apartment in Phu My Hung next to FV. Came furnished. 20,000k (VND) per month includes parking.

"How much do you pay for public transports such as buses, subways, trains, trams, or taxis?"

Rarely use, Maybe 200k per month Grab/Mai Linh.

"Could you share the average monthly cost of your grocery shopping?

Around 10,000k per month, we buy some imported meats, and I like to cook at home three or four times per week.

"What is the cost of health insurance? How much does a medical consultation cost in Vietnam?

Usually part of her employment package, the odd times i've needed to get it, quotes have been around USD3000 per year. Either through some of her friends in insurance or Tenzing Pacific.

"What are the tuition fees for children?"

Not app.

"What are the average monthly costs for electricity, gas, water, internet, and phone plans?"

1200k apartment management fee, plus ≈ 100k Water.

Electricity is anywhere between 400k and 1000k p/m depending on ac use.

Phone Mobi or Viettel is usually around 250k per month. I get monthly billing, post paid.

"For leisure activities, how much does it cost monthly?"

I use a gym Fit 24, last time it was 8000k for two years membership.

The other sports I play or participate in are mostly free, just the clothing, shoes etc.

I take a lot of motorbike trips, they usually drop my daily costs; food is cheaper in countryside, guest houses i stay in are usually 200k-350k.

"If there are other expenses you find relevant, please feel free to share them!"

Fuel for the bike is 200k per tank approx 300km, Bike insurance is around 7000k per year (75% coverage)

Local restaurants in D7 are around 150k-200k, western is more like 600k-1200k per couple.

I'm looking at buying a bicycle, some similar to what I use in US or Europe, but damn theyre almost double the price here.....

Prices have gone up quite a bit. In Da nang I would say around 20,000,000 vnd a month is livable per person. And that excludes extras... Nothing under 1200usd is recommended.  I don't drink or smoke and I barely ever go out and I spend around 20,000,000 vnd a month just on myself. 

Here we go with more well-detailed posts.

Thanks to MyGuess & raymerjacque! 1f609.svg

@Cheryl The cost of living anywhere depends on your style and what you attract into your life. We live great and eat great.  Wife's family home in Saigon cost less than $100usd (annual tax).  The house has a 220m2 foot print that lays within 800m2 garden. Less than 10 million dong for food, water, trash, electric, cable, wifi, and a few meals out. At times we travel to other countries, attend weddings, funerals and more.  We and friends do all the big and small upgrades ourselves.  Roof, windows, cement & brick, title driveways etc.  Plus we salvage, reuse, repurpose and make much of what we need. Plus, gifted all the time. $50usd/year TRC visa.  $200usd/year for garden supplies. We use motorbike, grab, bus. We manage very very well on 25 million/ monthly income.  Our banking interest rate is far beyond that amount. So it depends on your lifestyle, your plan, action and your dream.  We are strong, healthy and comfortable.  Living in our 70's.

Do you love it, do you hate it, there it is the way you made it.

I am going out now to cut another bunch of banana and a couple of mango. 



Cost of renting 5,000,000 vnd (Aprox 220USD) to up depends on the location / areas / furniture etc..  or buying an apartment or house = 3,000,000,000 Vnd to up (Aprox 123,000 USD) in Vietnam?

How much do you pay for public transports such as buses = 7,000 vnd (Aprox 0.25 USD)  is for loacal buses out station depends, subways , trains (pl's check online all mentioned as of your destinations too) , trams, or taxis   (use online taxi services instead of meter or others on the roads)?

Could you share the average monthly cost of your grocery shopping? = 2,400,000 vnd and up ( 100 USD) depends

What is the cost of health insurance? How much does a medical consultation cost in Vietnam? (if go to local vietnamese hospitals. can manage cost as well better and best treatments. if go to foreign hospitals lost money and lost your health and life as well..

What are the tuition fees for children? ( No idea)

What are the average monthly costs for electricity (Rented apartment 4,000vnd per unit) cost average 3,000,000Vnd (123USD)  , gas (no idea, we use electricity) , water =  600,000 vnd (Aprox 25 USD) , internet 1,200,000 vnd (depends on the area as well) , and phone plans 100,000vnd (Aprox 4.5USD) Viettel card can use with DATA as well?

For leisure activities, how much does it cost monthly? Depends

I'm here in Vietnam from 1999.. these above as my own experiences only..

Best Regards!

...I'm here in Vietnam from 1999.. these above as my own experiences only..

Best Regards!


Hey Victor!

Nice to see you still active here on the "blog"...I mean, website 😉

Very few members have been active over 13 years.