Beijing Basketball

Hi y'all!

Does anybody know a good place where my daughter (14) could play basketball? As far as I know, most places are near the airport but I would like more input if possible. Beijing Falcons seemed like a good idea at first, but I see only boys, so I'm not sure.

Thanks a lot!


I presume you mean the 'capital' airport, but it happened, I was idly wondering around our local mall just yesterday and I noticed a store/shop that had been adapted into a place especially for basketball. It was full of little scamps playing - I guess it is mostly training, but I've really no idea. It's the mall just west of Chang Chun Qiao in Haidian. If you can't play casually there, I'd imagine they would know place where you can.

Actually, there are small single-net basketball courts in the new park that runs north from Chang Chun Qiao Lu to Ba Gou on the east side of the canal there. There's usually quite a few people there, in my experience.

It's a lot easier to find places to play basketball in China that it is volleyball, that's for sure! I can't find any places for volleyball at all on the west side (the only place I found was up towards the capital airport, but it's way too far) :(

    You can try contacting local community centers or schools in Beijing for basketball programs suitable for your daughter. Additionally, you might consider reaching out to sports clubs or organizations that offer custom basketball uniform options, as they often cater to a diverse range of players regardless of gender.        -@marthasmith3279

Thank you for your AI Generated reply.

Are we to infer that you do not know where the OP's daughter can play basketball? Is this correct?

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