Sponsoring step children for golden visa

We are looking to relocate to Dubai with our 3 children under the golden visa, two of whom are from my ex husband.

unfortunately the relationship did not end amicably and has been estranged from them for two years.

I know he won't sign the NOC.

I have a UK court order which stipulates that I have full custody of them, however at the bottom of the court order, there is a generic part on all court orders which states that abduction may be considered as an offence to remove a child from the uk.

How will my husband get the golden visa with this current issue?

Hi and welcome to the Forum.

The NOC is a specific requirement of the UAE Government for sponsoring step-children.  There is nothing a UK court can do to change this, so I would advise speaking to a lawyer; this Forum has a UAE section and a link for legal advice for Expats in the UAE; this link will take you straight to it.  There is also a similar page to this England Forum; this link will take you straight to it.

I hope this helps.


Expat Team