Advice looking to move to Mendoza

Hello everyone,

My name is Malcolm, (Mack for short).  I am a Canadian intending to relocate to Argentina in the spring of 2024.  I'll suggest first off that if you wish to combine forces and information, even travel ideas and destination data I am pleased to listen for ways we can empower each other.  I will be travelling alone you would be pleased to join a group either departing the land of sleet and snow and mister tru doh, or a family or even folks who are already there, I believe in power in numbers and the benefit of a three fold cord.

I will be departing western Canade or the US, it depends on the best flight fares, stop overs and schedules.  That said I have considered shipping my vehicle on a container ship with me as supercargo or whatever land carriage would accommodate me.

I'd love to hear the successes and failures of those jolly expats before me.  Here's a detail, I am retired and have little baggage literal or otherwise so I am as flexible as Rubber Man from my comic book days.

I am hoping this post will inspire an expat or two near Mendoza to contact me with words of wisdom and maybe even sage newcomer advice (which I promise will be well taken).  I haven't been able to get a good grip on apartment prices or living accommodations in a more serene area of the city where sleep is more likely than not.  I hear the main drag can be a tad decibel excessive at night and I do need my sleep.

I am very serious about becoming a part of the community as quickly and practically as possible.  My Spanish improves daily and my desire to taste Argentinian steak is becoming unbearable.

If you wish to respond in other formats or platforms, If you wished to send me a "signal" for instance you should use ***2, the same for ***. or text. So all of that said, hello from Canada and look out Mendoza!

from Mack

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Hello and welcome on board Malcolm !

Please note that I have moved your post to the Argentina forum since you are looking forward to move to Mendoza.

I hope members will soon reach out. In the meantime, feel free to read the Living in Argentina guide for expats

All the best


Thank you Bhavna!

@malcolmmills53.  Good luck Malcolm! I'm in Toronto and will be in Mendoza next spring 2025 from January to March. To now I have only spent time in BA, I'm sure others will help you out, apartment hunting seems a bit problematic. From my limited experience take lots of new crisp usd 100 dollar bills with you, wire yourself money via western union to get Blu dolar pesos and learn Argentine spanish if you can. Paul

Hi Mack. Best of luck to you in your adventure. I've been a US expat living in Cordoba, that in many ways, including size, is very similar to Mendoza, for about 20 years. But Cordoba is the least left-wing politically of all other provinces in Argentina. I won't say that it's right-wing, because there is no such thing in Argentina. I few comments/suggestions. 1) Prepare yourself for a VERY high crime rate. It was bad when I arrived about 20 years ago, but in the last few years, it has become MUCH more violent. 2) In response to another comment, there are better ways than Western Union to move dollars to Argentina to take advantage of the dólar blue and the advantage of accessing the dólar blue has been significantly diminished in the last several months since Milei has become president. 3) Regarding the decibel level of noise, the location of the apartment is not as important as the floor of the apartment building. Summary: Best of luck to you. Mendoza is beautiful, especially if you enjoy good wine (Malbec), skiing and the mountains. P.S. After nearly 20 years in Argentina, which I have enjoyed immensely, I'm looking to move back to Texas shortly. Two main reasons: a) There is NO comparison in cost of living when I came initially to now based on dollars to pesos, even getting very creative. b) The crime has become unbearable. No doubt, moving to Argentina is an adventure that you can enjoy if you have the right attitude, but please base your decision on current data and the current situation here. BE CAREFUL! As an aside, it sounds like your love for  Tru doh is similar to my love for Joe Biden. haha