CITES Certificate for imported furniture?

Good afternoon all.

after some advice please! I am importing some furniture that is made of Indonesian Teak and Indonesian Mahogany from the U.K. Neither of these species are listed on the CITES appendices and so do not require (for import to the U.K. anyway) a CITES certificate.

They are accompanied by SVLK/FLEGT license confirming species of wood used. However, I am told by a Maltese customs officer that in order to import this furniture it MUST have a CITES certificate or it will be destroyed at the port. Is this the case? I cannot understand why a certificate is required when neither species are listed in the appendices?

many thanks!!

In Malta the written rules are irrelevant, what matters is what the guy on the floor is doing on the day.

It's best jus to get in the mindset of doing what they want.