Health insurance

Any recommendations for good comprehensive healthcare cover for expats in  Vietnam?

I use Allianz Care for 3 years now, so far ok

@Frede001 thanks. How much is it per year if you don't mind me asking?

Try the below link for indication as it depends on your age (you may have to chose Thailand instead of Vietnam as they have an alternative VN package) … quote.html

Good luck is not cheap

    Any recommendations for good comprehensive healthcare cover for expats in  Vietnam?


My #1 recommendation (for the casual reader) is to not come to Vietnam on a shoestring budget.

Many of us are self insuring, because healthcare costs are so inexpensive.

If you have a credit card with about $5,000.00 to $10,000.00 USD available and also a reasonable amount of savings plus a modest monthly income, you can save the money you would have paid on premiums and still be well prepared to cover all except the most catastrophic emergencies.

    Any recommendations for good comprehensive healthcare cover for expats in  Vietnam?         -@shenpa

I am 73 going on 74. I have been with AXA for 3 years now. This year I changed from "in & out" patient to "in patient" only & have a 2,000gbp excess max for treatment over the year. I have also evacuation and repatriation as standard which if at all possible I would use as my experience of private hospital treatment here has been lets just say "not good" & my first stop would be Bangkok or Singapore.

This costs me 2,924 gbp PA.

There is an old saying in my home country & it is "you pay for what you get"

Your expat health insurance in Vietnam in just a few clicks

"As an expat in Vietnam, it is essential to be prepared for medical emergencies for you and your family. Select tailor-made health insurance plans adapted to your expat needs and budget and enjoy your time in Vietnam, hassle-free."

click here


That's not my question. I will be having insurance. Not doing so is shortsighted imo

    Your expat health insurance in Vietnam in just a few clicks
"As an expat in Vietnam, it is essential to be prepared for medical emergencies for you and your family. Select tailor-made health insurance plans adapted to your expat needs and budget and enjoy your time in Vietnam, hassle-free."
click here-@Aidan in HCMC

An issue has been identified at the page listing various insurers, being that the "Get a free quote" buttons of both Allianz and Mond insurance companies is not functioning. Our IT department has opened a ticket and we expect the issue to be rectified in short order.

That's not my question. I will be having insurance. Not doing so is shortsighted imo


That's the risk you take in this forum.

You ask a question based on your own needs and your own philosophy, and anyone else is free to answer the question for the sake of casual readers of the thread who may come across it in the future and may not have considered all factors.

    I use Allianz Care for 3 years now, so far ok


What does that mean?

He asked about "comprehensive" coverage.

Could you please share more specifics about the plan, including any restrictions and deductables?

Maybe most interesting to some, have your total reimbursed medical expenses over the past 3 years been more than your total outlay in premiums?

In other words, based on benefits received for premiums paid, could you have just as easily paid for your care out of pocket?

Thanks for sharing your personal experiences 🙏

In other words, based on benefits received for premiums paid, could you have just as easily paid for your care out of pocket?

Thanks for sharing your personal experiences 🙏


My experience for what its worth................I moved to live in Vietnam 2008. I retired officially June 2015 but my company thankfully carried on my BUPA health cover to 2017. About Sept 2015 & here in Vietnam I went to bed as a pretty fit offshore oil drilling rig worker of 40+ years & woke up a cripple with all my joints aching & my feet swollen to the extent I could barely walk. I contacted my ex boss (& friend for many years) at head office in Houston Texas & he immediately arranged for a flight for me to BKK & specialist appointment at Bumrungrad International Hospital. There after many tests they identified I had contracted a very virulent form of Salmonella which caused my Immune System to attack all my joints. It took 3 weeks to eventually kill the Salmonella before they could start the treatment for the Reactive Arthritis that was ravaging my joints & in that time for some reason I went into a coma for more than a week  (not sure if it was induced) eventually after many tries with different chemicals they managed to kill the Salmonella & started to treat the Arthritis with a regime of like 20 tablets a day which included Steroids & Arava & various other tablets to protect my internal organs from the tablets I was on to try to stop the Arthritis.

To cut a long story short......................I was in a private room at Bumrungrad for 4 weeks & then attended as an outpatient  weekly, then monthly, then 3 monthly & eventually 6 monthly & thank god after 2 years I was all clear & been so since thank god. That comprehensive company cover cost BUPA nearly 250,000 usd in total.

Since 2017 I have covered my medical insurance myself & yes I am well out of pocket since then if you look at it like that. But I am lucky as my Health Insurance costs are a small % of my income & I dont begrudge paying it!

    In other words, based on benefits received for premiums paid, could you have just as easily paid for your care out of pocket? Thanks for sharing your personal experiences 🙏        -@OceanBeach92107

My experience for what its worth................I moved to live in Vietnam 2008. I retired officially June 2015 but my company thankfully carried on my BUPA health cover to 2017. About Sept 2015 & here in Vietnam I went to bed as a pretty fit offshore oil drilling rig worker of 40+ years & woke up a cripple with all my joints aching & my feet swollen to the extent I could barely walk. I contacted my ex boss (& friend for many years) at head office in Houston Texas & he immediately arranged for a flight for me to BKK & specialist appointment at Bumrungrad International Hospital. There after many tests they identified I had contracted a very virulent form of Salmonella which caused my Immune System to attack all my joints. It took 3 weeks to eventually kill the Salmonella before they could start the treatment for the Reactive Arthritis that was ravaging my joints & in that time for some reason I went into a coma for more than a week  (not sure if it was induced) eventually after many tries with different chemicals they managed to kill the Salmonella & started to treat the Arthritis with a regime of like 20 tablets a day which included Steroids & Arava & various other tablets to protect my internal organs from the tablets I was on to try to stop the Arthritis.

To cut a long story short......................I was in a private room at Bumrungrad for 4 weeks & then attended as an outpatient  weekly, then monthly, then 3 monthly & eventually 6 monthly & thank god after 2 years I was all clear & been so since thank god. That comprehensive company cover cost BUPA nearly 250,000 usd in total.

Since 2017 I have covered my medical insurance myself & yes I am well out of pocket since then if you look at it like that. But I am lucky as my Health Insurance costs are a small % of my income & I dont begrudge paying it!


Always good to get your real life input on important matters.

How does your current insurance compare to the coverage you had through your employer?

If you were to have the exact same set of occur under your current insurance carrier, would they pay for everything as well as your employer health insurance did?



What a scary story it was.  You just scare the sh$t out of many readers now. 

What a scary story it was.  You just scare the sh$t out of many readers now. 

He's just providing balance ⚖️ 😉

Seriously though, there are far too many internet stories about "perfect" life in Vietnam, and not enough outlining the possibility of tragedy; something which happens here much more often than many people suppose.


So true.  I actually had a thought about being in Vietnam and one day going to bed, my private organs swollen up and the pain was so bad I couldn't get help :).  That would scare me.  Goodolboy true story wasn't too far off.

        In other words, based on benefits received for premiums paid, could you have just as easily paid for your care out of pocket? Thanks for sharing your personal experiences 🙏        -@OceanBeach92107My experience for what its worth................I moved to live in Vietnam 2008. I retired officially June 2015 but my company thankfully carried on my BUPA health cover to 2017. About Sept 2015 & here in Vietnam I went to bed as a pretty fit offshore oil drilling rig worker of 40+ years & woke up a cripple with all my joints aching & my feet swollen to the extent I could barely walk. I contacted my ex boss (& friend for many years) at head office in Houston Texas & he immediately arranged for a flight for me to BKK & specialist appointment at Bumrungrad International Hospital. There after many tests they identified I had contracted a very virulent form of Salmonella which caused my Immune System to attack all my joints. It took 3 weeks to eventually kill the Salmonella before they could start the treatment for the Reactive Arthritis that was ravaging my joints & in that time for some reason I went into a coma for more than a week  (not sure if it was induced) eventually after many tries with different chemicals they managed to kill the Salmonella & started to treat the Arthritis with a regime of like 20 tablets a day which included Steroids & Arava & various other tablets to protect my internal organs from the tablets I was on to try to stop the Arthritis.To cut a long story short......................I was in a private room at Bumrungrad for 4 weeks & then attended as an outpatient  weekly, then monthly, then 3 monthly & eventually 6 monthly & thank god after 2 years I was all clear & been so since thank god. That comprehensive company cover cost BUPA nearly 250,000 usd in total.Since 2017 I have covered my medical insurance myself & yes I am well out of pocket since then if you look at it like that. But I am lucky as my Health Insurance costs are a small % of my income & I dont begrudge paying it!        -@goodolboy Always good to get your real life input on important matters. How does your current insurance compare to the coverage you had through your employer? If you were to have the exact same set of occur under your current insurance carrier, would they pay for everything as well as your employer health insurance did? Cheers!        -@OceanBeach92107

Ah as usual OB you are on the ball & your instincts are correct. None of my health insurance I took out after would come near the insurance my employer provided. After my company insurance ran out, I did enquire with BUPA to continue my cover & of course they would not cover for my existing known illness if it was to come back for example & some important other things were not covered like for like & they quoted 24,000usd. But all my insurance does have a yearly maximum in excess of 1,000,000gbp claims in any one year.

What a scary story it was.  You just scare the sh$t out of many readers now. 


& that was the abreviated version believe me. However I am completly fine now, no meds nothing. But at the time I thought life as I had known it was over.

There was a touching bit to the story I did not mention that sort of tells you something about life & people. All the time I was an inpatient at Bumrungrad a young lady I knew who worked as a "hostess"in a bar just along the road from Bumrungrad at Soi Nana finished work at 6 then slept on the floor of my private room watching over me all night & then off to her work at 9. Now there is a friend indeed.

I actually had a thought about being in Vietnam and one day going to bed, my private organs swollen up and the pain was so bad I couldn't get help.  -@Svho


So true.  I actually had a thought about being in Vietnam and one day going to bed, my private organs swollen up and the pain was so bad I couldn't get help smile.png.  That would scare me.  Goodolboy true story wasn't too far off.



...I actually had a thought about being in Vietnam and one day going to bed, my private organs swollen up and the pain was so bad I couldn't get help smile.png...   


You never know when you might need a lancet.

& another cautionary tale & this time a friend story but a story I had personal first hand involvement.

An English couple came to HCMC & stayed at my apartment block & I got to know them quite well. He was a retired UK head master & she a retired UK nurse. They came here to help their son who had been promoted to be top man for a private Vietnamese owned private school company (3 schools)

One weekend they were out on a borrowed moto when a young Vietnamese broad sided them at speed!

The outcome for them was not good. He had a broken leg in 4 places & a fractured collar bone. She a fractured leg in one place (forgive my medical terminology OB but thats how I would describe their injuries)

Her fracture was not complicated & healed quick quickly. His was a different story & became a long drawn out recovery process with loads of pins & screws etc & where he had to return to Cho Ray to get one of the healing break broken again & re set as they had made some mistakes.

So now I will cut to the insurance. The total bill was in excess of 20,000 usd by the end. They were very very lucky because the Vietnamese owner of the schools managed eventually to get cover through their insurance.

I visited him a couple of times at Cho Ray (this was before the private part was upgraded)  it was a private room but very basic. The first time I visited I made a mistake & parked my bike at the accident & emergency end so I had to walk through that bit to get to where they were & I can tell you it was not a pretty sight & I remember thinking OFFS GOB I hope you never ever end up here.