Questions on accommodation and taxes

My name is Harold and I am thinking of visiting Sarande and Vlore and Tirana sometime in the near future. since I haven't been there before, how easy is it to rent an apartment for 60 to 90 to use a home base. what would it cost for a 2 bedroom apart in May?

also if I were to chose to stay for a long time approaching one year at a time, since Albania has no tac treaty with US what can I expect to pay in taxes? i have social security, a private pension plan and other investments in C/d .

also what would be an expected cost of living there? And do the apartments come with utilities included, or is this extra?


Hello Harold, how are you?

It's very easy to rent an apartment in general but somehow difficult for 3 months of rent but renting for a year or so would be much easier.

Regarding tax, you pay nothing my friend. There are some small taxes like city cleaning and things like that, that you pay when paying the water bill.

But except these payments, there is no tax.

Also, when you rent an apartment 99% of the time utilities are excluded from the cost.

Hope you do enjoy your stay in Albania :)