Kinda upset for my Spass Application

I have two other colleagues with me to onboard on the same day, with same education background, but they are 2 years younger than me.  HR submitted the application on 27th Mar, they got IPA letter on 1st Apr, however mine is still being processed. Is this because of my age or something else?

Your age should not affect the processing time.

More likely it is the workload (or efficiency) of the officer in charge.

Furthermore, no two applications are entirely the same - and there are also spot-checks they do on a random basis, so nobody can foresee how long an application will take.

The average waiting time is 4 - 8 weeks.

@beppi Thanks Beppi! Your reply indeed has given me some peace of mind. Seems that the workload arrangement for different MOM officer a little bit uneven1f602.svg

Ive got approval. hope everyone gets approval successfully


3.27 HR submit application

3.29 Shows pending

4.17 Approval