Can someone tell me which schools teach in English?

Hi all

My son is only 5 months at the moment but as I like to plan ahead I am wanting a list of schools that teach in English. So far I have only found Verdala and QSI, is there any more?

I am happy for my son to learn Maltese but I would prefer if he is taught in English as I want it to be his main language.

I would just like to have a look at all the schools in advance.



Hello Summer,

Actually in Malta with my son (6 years old), I can tell you the difficulties I had to find an "english school" especially as primary school.

I finally sent sent him to a public/government school and I am really happy of the results.

They teach in Maltese and English, and when they have to learn Maltese, my son is out of the classroom with a special teacher to learn him slowly.

Actually he speaks English perfectly and is not bad in Maltese :)

Hope this help

Hi Summer,
The schools that teach mainly in English that I know of (other than Verdala and QSI) are San Andrea, San Anton, St. Michaels and Chiswick.  I know San Andrea and San Anton have nursery school classes, not sure about the others.   I think there are others, but these are the only ones I know anything about. 

Good luck!

The private schools and church schools in Malta teach in English. If you cant afford a private school, the church schools can be an option, there is however a donation fee. The gov. schools teach in Maltese.

Government school teach in English if there is a non maltese person in the class.  Only religion and history are taught in maltese only. (at least that is what the head at my sons school says).

From personal experience, gv schools teach in Maltese but if there are foreign students in the class, they use English also. Once the foreign students have learnt Maltese, they tend to prefer Maltese over English. This is the main reason why I am registering my 7 years old boy at St. Catherine, where English is the main language, and Maltese is taught as a second language, especially to foreign students. Church schools teach in English but it is very hard to have the children admitted. They have ballots and the waiting list is quite long. I hope this was helpful.

which one is it?

Bluelagoon wrote:

Hello Summer,

Actually in Malta with my son (6 years old), I can tell you the difficulties I had to find an "english school" especially as primary school.

I finally sent sent him to a public/government school and I am really happy of the results.

They teach in Maltese and English, and when they have to learn Maltese, my son is out of the classroom with a special teacher to learn him slowly.

Actually he speaks English perfectly and is not bad in Maltese :)

Hope this help