Thinking about retiring in Phnom Penh

I've been visiting Phnom Penh several times over past year and thinking about retiring here.  Recently been checking housing.  I'm American but spent much of my life overseas

Any advice on social events to help establish a social network with similarly situated people to go out to eat and drinks would be appreciated

thanks in advance


Hello Chadinphnompenh,

Welcome to 1f600.svg

Please note that your thread is on the Phnom Penh forum where you are more likely to gather useful information.

All the best,

Cheryl team


I m also Nepali staying here ! I think we can !

Thank u

If you like city life, yes Phnom Penh is good, but as for me I prefer a less crowded city such as Battambang and many other communities similar to that and even cheaper cost of living.

    I've been visiting Phnom Penh several times over past year and thinking about retiring here.  Recently been checking housing.  I'm American but spent much of my life overseas
Any advice on social events to help establish a social network with similarly situated people to go out to eat and drinks would be appreciated

thanks in advance



Hi Chad -

Welcome to the forum.

These days, a lot of info about what's happening in a particular locality is shared in numerous Facebook groups such as "Expats and Locals Living In Phnom Penh", "Expats in Phnom Penh", "Phnom Penh expats", etc.

Ads for housing, restaurants, and services, announcement about events, questions about where to find various things or recommendations, missing persons, lost phones, recent deaths, people in the hospital, charitable organizations that need donations, etc., etc. are posted daily.

There's also an Events page here on

and the Phnom Penh Guide: … hnom-penh/

If you're not on FB, then you need to network the old-fashioned way by being outgoing and meeting people in your building, in the restaurants and bars you frequent, outdoors, etc. Also, some shops, supermarkets, restaurants, etc. still have places where people post stuff on a board or wall near the entrance, or sometimes people still hand out flyers even. Just last night, I got one for a party at a nearby bar as I was walking to a "burger bar" for dinner (in Kampot).

A word of caution though, you may encounter a number of sketchy characters, so try to size people up before you divulge too much about yourself or get involved with other expats.

Anyway, you shouldn't have much trouble socializing in such a large city.


My advice is: stay independent. Do what you want to do but stay away from expat freeloaders, there's a lot of them. Spend the budget you decide before you go out on the people (girls) that you can have a nice time with, socialize with fellow expats but buy your own drinks.

Have fun with no regret 😀