Anticipated problems with retirement permits

Hi. If I apply and get a retirement permit for 10-20 years, and my wife will be included on it as dependent spouse, what happens if I pass away? Does she then need to apply again in her own name, and show finances - anticipating that monthly income may then reduce? I cannot find the right answer on the EDB site.

Perhaps someone here can elaborate.


When we reviewed this we decided that we would apply independently in case one partner died. Not sure how this works financially. We took out a joint bank account and submitted the same account statement with both applications. We did get an email from the EDB asking me to confirm that my wife had full access to the account and I just said yes. Thereafter, they just issued the permits.

@karibi  Thank you, that is excellent news. My wife and I do have a joint account Now I just have to persuade my wife to apply together with me --- that is the difficult bit!

@Tookays she is going to have to apply in one form or another. In my experience you get better service as the main applicant than a sponsored applicant. Try use that to motivate her.

@Expat Ash

Thank you. I shall try