Cultural offerings in Spain

Hello everyone,

Expatriation in Spain presents a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in a different culture. Let's explore the local cultural scene together through the eyes of expats: practical advice, essential institutions, and different opportunities.

What cultural offerings are available in Spain and how can we access them? Where can we find information?

Which cultural or community institutions are essential, and what activities do they offer?

What are the best ways to discover the local culture and actively participate in it?

What are the available prices and subscriptions to access cultural events in Spain?

Feel free to share your experiences and advice to fully enjoy the cultural scene in Spain.

Thank you for your contribution.
The Team

Apparently,  there are more Spanish Town Mayors  jailed than any other European  Country. Corruption is Endemic in Spain and Vox is the 3rd largest  Political  Party in Spain. It's politics are anti immigration,  Anti Muslim, Anti tourism and  Anti Foreigners. Its regarded as extreme right wing equal to the Franco and Nazi Regimes. Trying to see a National Health Doctor has become almost impossible  with waiting times  6-8 weeks. The Post Office is terrible with 'missing' Parcels. Trying to get an MOT  fr your car is very difficult and must be pre-booked at least one month in advance. Illegally built houses are still being sold by crooked Lawyers and Estate Agents. New laws protecting tenants from eviction are blatantly ignored. The Country is almost lawless and getting worse by the day.

Politics aside, my experience of living in Spain for 42 years is the complete opposite.

A postman who calls my mobile if I'm not in to receive a parcel. Dr. appointment available in 1-3 days. Knowing when your MOT is up, booking a month in advance is hardly a problem. My son has a specialist at the public hospital who will see him any time without an appointment. All tax disputes with Hacienda have been resolved in my favour. A roundabout and zebra crossings to protect schoolchildren coming off the bus were built quickly after parents complaint to council. I have never encountered discrimination as a foreigner (except for a manager at work calling me a guiri) and the Red Cross lifesaving efforts with pateras in the Canaries and the after care the refugees receive puts the harassing and perilous antics of British Govt. to thwart boat crossings in the Channel to shame.

I will be forever grateful for the wonderful welcome I received and continúe to receive here and where my children have been given every opportunity to thrive and succeed. Viva España 🇪🇸 Visca Mallorca!

Politics aside since they are a disaster everywhere, my experience of 42 years in Spain is the complete opposite.

A postman who calls my mobile if a parcel has arrived or can't be delivered. Dr. appointment available in 1-3 days and my son can see his specialist at the public hospital at any time without an appointment. Knowing when your MOT is up makes It easy to book a month in advance. A council that quickly built a roundabout and zebra crossings to protect schoolchildren coming off the bus in response to parents' complaint. All disputes with Hacienda settled in my favour. A council that lets you know beforehand if there's going to be a wáter or power cut. And a Red Cross whose lifesaving actions and after care with pateras in the Canaries puts the British Govt. perilous thwarting of refugee boats in the Channel to shame.

I will be forever grateful to the Spanish people for the welcome I received and continue to receive as part of the local community and for having such a beautiful, caring and safe country where my children have been able to thrive and succeed.

Those who don't valué it are free to look elsewhere.

Viva España 🇪🇸 Visca Mallorca!

@jchilton In Spain, you can NEVER put Politics aside! It's what shapes the Spanish mentality and deep seated predjudice against anything that looks and smells foreign. The Country you describe seems more like Disneyland than the harsh reality of Spain.

By putting politics aside I simply meant best to avoid bringing them into discussion here.

All my positive experiences living in Spain are true. Perhaps speaking fluent Spanish and Catalán, being open-minded and living totally integrated in Mallorcan life is why I have never experienced the prejudice which has obviously made you feel so bitter.

Mallorca life does not represent Spanish life. Spain is a big Country and your experiences merely spotlight a tiny part of a Spanish Island. Very misleading and not relevant. Speaking the language  is also irrelevant  to the question. Apart from the main Cities in Spain, rural Spain is rapidly collapsing due to depopulation. The Spanish and other nationalities are moving to where the Doctors and their families  are living and where they can get their kids well educated and job opportunities  abound. Meanwhile, the number of Spanish rural  ghost villages multiply and are multiplying at an alarming rate.   


I have always found unless you try and make an effort to speak the local language you will always feel slightly isolated it doesn't matter if you are not perfect but locals can see you are making the effort they are more at ease with you.

The trouble with a lot of Brits (and I am one) they expect everyone to speak English.

Your mensaje is based on wrong assumptions.

I live in Mallorca now but have also lived in Sierra de Cádiz, Tenerife, Lanzarote, Girona, Burgos and Málaga - all with good experiences.

Wonderful topics that Cheryl suggested—too bad the subject deteriorated into Spain bashing by one of the respondents. I don't believe there is a country on earth that doesn't have some element of corruption—it's everywhere.

Jchilton's experience of living in Spain is divine & so encouraging to anyone considering a move to Spain!

I would still like to hear about some of the topics Cheryl suggested as discussion…