Lost friend

I'm trying to get in touch with Miss Jo King. We have been friends for many years but unfortunately my iPad has stopped working and someone got into my old email address and changed the password and I am unable to get into it.

I have a new email now but I've lost all previous info.

If any one knows Jo, she did teach at the Heritage school In lemesos but left end of last school year and moved away so I have no address for her either.

I would be most grateful if you know her you could pass my email address on to her.

Thank you



Hello and welcome !

I suggest that you create an advert in the missing people section of the classifieds for more vieews : https://www.expat.com/en/classifieds/eu … s/add.html

All the best


have you tried Facebook friends if she's on Facebook then you will find her I'm not jo king lol hope you have luck