Finding a US doctor to renew my sleep aid prescription

I need to order more Trazodone for my sleep. It is not available in the DR so I have it shipped from Canada Pharmacy Depot. But I do not have a current prescription. ANY ideas on how to solve this without travelling back to the USA to see my doctor (and no, my doctor says she has to see me before giving me a new Rx).

    I need to order more Trazodone for my sleep. It is not available in the DR so I have it shipped from Canada Pharmacy Depot. But I do not have a current prescription. ANY ideas on how to solve this without travelling back to the USA to see my doctor (and no, my doctor says she has to see me before giving me a new Rx).


i have the same issue. I also use Trazodone 50mg

for sleep,  usually 2 pills at bedtime.  I moved to Las Terrenas a month ago and was running low so i started taking just 1 pill.  I'm still on the Kaiser plan and ordered a refill by mail that i hope will arrive soon.

Good luck!

@VallyDo you may find a TeleMed facility that will write the script for you but start by googling TeleMed back in the United States or Canada if they have such program. I don't know anything about this drug. Is it a narcotic for example if so, I sort of understand why your physician wants you to come back? He may be limited as to his ability to write it without seeing you, I hope my suggestion moves you forward because not sleeping really does suck

I just googled and found these links: