Know of any First Aid / Responder courses?

Yesterday another young local man died in a motorcycle acident, with a second now in the hospital. I saw a video of the aftermath of the crash and no one knew any first aid. They were transported by bystanders without any attempt at stopping the bleeding or other first aid.

I want to sponser a first aid course for anyone interested in my neighbohood.  I'll be contacting the hospitals in Las Terrenas for any training referrals too.

I was first responder trained; unfortunately my last class was before I retired. I have been teaching some of the basics to the local kids, but I'm really out of date on best practices.

I've got a couple motoconcho guys interested in learning (they just shook their heads when I asked how many accidents they have seen...) and that may help the other people to take it seriously.

I'm also reaching out to one of my neighbors that has several workmen to see if he's interested in joining me and having his guys trained.

Just one person knowing a *minimum* can make the difference in lives saved.

I'd appreciate any suggestions!

Locals have absolutely no training! This is an interesting idea.

I would be interested in the legal side and the risk you may take in helping someone.  Blame here is not based on logic or good intentions.

That is a great idea. I would also like to know the legal side of this. As a Registered Nurse, it would be hard for me not to assist someone in need of immediate medical attention. However,  I would not want to put myself in a legal situation. Please share what you find out. It would be awesome to teach my "soon to be" neighbors BLS.

I will add to Planner's comment.  While my inclination would be to stop and help as well, I have heard too many stories, some first-hand, about people stopping to help, and being found at fault for something they had absolutely no part in.  While the intent is noble JDT, roadside collisions are not the place to get involved.  In your neighbourhood, or sharing knowledge for family emergencies would be great, but reconsider the facts about how some aspects of the DR actually work. 

It's not just for the traffic accidents. One of my friends was doing hurricane cleanup when his hand got caught by a falling tree with barbwire wrapped around it. Took 3 guys to lift the tree and get enough pressure on the wire to release him. One of the guys knew enough to see the barb had hit something serious, and put pressure on until they got to the hospital.

Most people here don't know enough to throw pressure on a wound. And I don't even want to know how they think burns should be treated....

I give out safety glasses like candy. Give a guy the tinted ones and they'll wear them 24/7  ;)