PR Approval Chances - 2024

Hi everyone,

Could I receive opinions on the probability of my PR application being granted?

My profile

  • Age : 29
  • Nationality : Myanmar (Burma)
  • Martial Status : Single
  • In Singapore : Since 2013
  • Studied here and working here since then
  • Education
  • Diploma in IT Singapore Polytechnic
  • Degree in Cyber Security from a Australia University (via Private Institute in Singapore) (10 points under EP COMPASS list)
  • Currently Doing Part time Master in Cyber Security from a top 10 institute in the UK (20 points under EP COMPASS top tier institute list)
  • Salary : Around 150K yearly (Including base salary, bonus, RSU - North America tech company)
  • Investment and Credit
  • Always pay my credit card on time.
  • Healthy amount of investment across different portfolios (via DBS, brokerages)
  • Previous Application
  • Applied 1 time in 2022 while I was still doing my degree part time and salary was around 7000 monthly, on SPASS.
  • Contribution to Singapore
  • No volunteer work. Only blood donation - once a year

Hope the info that I provided is sufficient.

Much appreciated!

I would truly appreciate it if someone could provide constructive criticism.

Please read existing discussions about the PR criteria and chances, then you will have a pretty good idea!

    Please read existing discussions about the PR criteria and chances, then you will have a pretty good idea!


Hi Beppi, I did and I want external party to critique my profile thus posting here.

These are the takeaways that I have about my profile so far

Negative Points

  • Ethnicity is in 'other' category so that will significantly impact my chances.
  • No volunteering done in Singapore.

Positive Points

  • My age, my length of stay, education background in cyber security and working in tech field for a competitive tech company
  • No credit issue, healthy financial portfolios
  • No health issue and top insurance coverage
  • High salary for my age bracket (above 95th percentile)

So all in all, I guess I have high chances apart from my ethnicity.

So have to wait and see.

It's really really difficult if not impossible to have a "calculation" on probability.

My personal thoughts:

Age : 29 --> + because you are young

Nationality : Myanmar (Burma) --> - unless you are of Chinese ethnicity

Martial Status : Single --> - people with family having much higher tendency of settling down. As a single person, you may get married to someone from another country in the future and relocate there.

In Singapore : Since 2013 --> + long enough

Studied here and working here since then --> | This is no longer a plus since 2010.


Diploma in IT Singapore Polytechnic

Degree in Cyber Security from a Australia University (via Private Institute in Singapore) (10 points under EP COMPASS list)

--> - everyone has 10 points of COMPASS.

Currently Doing Part time Master in Cyber Security from a top 10 institute in the UK (20 points under EP COMPASS top tier institute list) --> This will not be counted until you actually get the degree and include it into your application

Salary : Around 150K yearly (Including base salary, bonus, RSU - North America tech company) --> | this salary is neither high nor low. An average number for your job. Also, ICA will only look into monthly base salary.

Investment and Credit

Always pay my credit card on time. --> | This is normal. If you have low credit score, no chance.

Healthy amount of investment across different portfolios (via DBS, brokerages) --> Depends on how much you have. If it is less than the min amount for private bank client of local banks (DBS, OCBC, UOB) then it's normal.

Previous Application

Applied 1 time in 2022 while I was still doing my degree part time and salary was around 7000 monthly, on SPASS.

Contribution to Singapore

No volunteer work. Only blood donation - once a year --> Volunterring has been abused by applicants for long time so it's not important if you have volunteer work or not. Unless your volunteer profile is very impressive (which means you have been volunterring for long time, and actively participate from your heart), this does not mean anything.

Overall, I think you have low chance of getting PR. Getting married and have a son may help to make it better, still nothing can be guaranteed.

@Patrick Collison Thanks for the input. 


would like to get view of the people who applied PR under new system after 25.06.2024. I have recently on 03.09.2024. My profile as below.

Me working in Singapore since 2009(15 years)- salary 120k p.a

My wife running her own small venture- on EP salary is around 100k per year: staying in Singapore since 2015( around 9 year)

We have have two sons 7 year old and 7 months old. I have applied PR multiple time but got rejected. Last application Rejected 7 month back. at that application my 2nd son was not born.

I have heard that under new PR system result is coming out very fast like 2-3 months. Even within a month some applicant are getting query.

Can Anyone update if they got update from application done after 25.06.2024.