Marriage of polish girl

Dear sir,

I hope this email finds you well.

My name is belahcene Mohamed salem, and I am a 22yo Algerian citizen. I am writing to seek your guidance and assistance regarding the procedures and requirements for marrying my Polish fiancée in Tunisia and subsequently applying for a visa to Poland.

Firstly, I would like to understand the process of getting married in Tunisia. Could you please provide detailed information about the necessary documents we need to prepare? Additionally, I would appreciate it if you could inform me about the specific offices or authorities we need to visit to submit these documents. Are there any medical tests or certificates that we must obtain before proceeding with the marriage? Knowing these details will help us ensure that we meet all the legal requirements for our wedding.

Once we are married, we will need to obtain an official marriage certificate. I am interested in knowing the steps involved in acquiring this certificate and whether it needs to be translated or authenticated for it to be recognized in Poland. Any information on how to properly prepare this document for international use would be highly beneficial.

In terms of moving to Poland, I seek your advice on the visa application process. What documents do I need to provide to apply for a visa as the spouse of a Polish citizen? I am also curious about where and how to submit these documents and the typical processing time for such a visa application. Understanding these steps will help us plan our timeline and ensure a smooth transition.

Finally, once I arrive in Poland, I want to be fully prepared for the post-marriage procedures to secure my residency and legal status. Could you please outline the necessary steps and any additional documents required to establish my residency in Poland as the spouse of a Polish citizen? Any information on this aspect would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you very much for your time and assistance. Your guidance will be invaluable in helping us navigate these procedures smoothly and efficiently. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,


Hello and welcome !

As you are both foreigners, you both need to contact your respective embassies to obtain information and required documents to get married in Tunisia. Here is the list of documents you will need : Marriage in Tunisia foreigners

As far as moving to Poland is concerned, we won't be able to guide you here on the Tunisia forum. Please open a new topic on visa formalities to move to Poland on the Poland forum :



Expats in Tunisia on Facebook may be a to help