Finding a good relocation lawyer in Montenegro - your experiences?

Hello everyone, this is my first post on this forum! I'm planning a trip to the central region of Montenegro towards the end of this month, with an aim of moving my business and life over there towards the end of this year.

I was wondering if anyone here has had any experience with relocation agents and general attorneys when moving to Montenegro and performing the usual requirements such as setting up a business, applying for residency, and evaluating and buying property?

Does anyone have any recommendations for services that they've used themselves, or any red flags to watch out for? I've compiled a short list of options to try, and ideally I'm looking for a firm/somebody who has an office in the country itself, plenty of experience and a reasonable grasp of the English language (my Serbo-Croatian is barely A2).

Any pointers will be much appreciated!

Hi , we are not much allowed to share contacts here..

just advise you check, tons of amateurs, even residence permits are getting crazy now to get..

biggest issues is the import procedure when you relocate with your stuffs

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