House managment

What is a realistic amount to pay monthly for someone keeping an eye on your property when your in the UK?

IE visit once every 2 weeks and report any problems if any. Traveling no more than 2 miles.

Make sure it's someone you trust 100% - I once had a similar arrangement with a neighbour with whom I was on very good terms.  The deal was to keep the garden in order and the house secure and clean.  The beggar only went to do the house and garden just before I came out, but swore blind that they were there slaving away every couple of weeks. My wife wanted me to just keep quiet and let it pass, but I don't take kindly to someone lying to my face and expecting me to pay for the privilege....

I had a similar issue. The guy swore he'd do the work the following week. But I visited again a few weeks later and nothing had been done. He'd assumed I wouldn't be back till the spring.

Really annoying as I especially wanted the weeds cut before they went to seed.


Moderated by Bhavna 3 months ago
Reason : Offering services
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