Is Mauritius best for business purposes

I am in plan of establishing in Mauritius,needing friends for business affairs,fanning and exposure of the area.

Can we get together?



Hello and welcome !

If you want to do business in Mauritius, you need to seek professional guidance.

Being successful in business in Mauritius is hard and risky ! I strongly recommend that you contact the Economic Development Board (EDB) to enquire about business opportunities before taking a decision :




Hello Bhavna

Hopefully you're doing great!thanks for the advice.Do you engage also in business there in Mauritius?

And I would like to know how riskier is it,since am eager to export meat to Mauritius.



    I am in plan of establishing in Mauritius,needing friends for business affairs,fanning and exposure of the area.
Can we get together?


Hi Elisha,

Please get in touch by pm.In a similar scenario and might be able to work for mutual benefit.

Regardless of all the advice in good spirits for risk: Business in Mauritius is scalable if you know your market right and aim it to the correct clientelle.

Rather than competing against the big boys-I have found that working alongside with them gives a nice margin and profit.


I don't do business in Mauritius. I work for!

The EDB can guide you.



I had a busy week,much occupied couldn't even grab my phone for a really.

Hopping that everything is well with you out there.

Can we get into footstep of how we can archive this in greatest way,despite of being riskier.

Here is my email


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