Moving from Slovenia to Bulgaria

Hello everyone!

I need help when comes to moving in Bulgaria and after few searches I found this forum and I am hoping for some help here.

I am currently living in Slovenia and I am planning to come to Bulgaria to live and work there. I will move my personal interests from Slovenia to Bulgaria (will close bank account, insurance, phone numbers...) do I need to close anything else here? (if anyone is from Slovenia and dealt with this, please comment down below).

My girlfriend is Bulgarian by nation and she said the owner of the appartment can give me rental agreement contract, does that means I will have address there? Also where should I register that I do have address there? I spent 2 months there already, so that means I can be in the country for 1 month after that I will ran out of 90 days for being in that country?

Can anyone explain me those things in details where to register, what to do when I will come to Bulgaria, how to get tax residency, permit to stay longer in the country etc...?

Thank you for your answers in advance!

Nick (if that's really your name, just wondering as it doesn't sound Slovenian!) go to the website for the Bulgarian embassy in Slovenia as your starting point.

If you're a Slovenian passport holder, as an EU citizen moving should be quite straightforward.