EU citizen registration

Hello everyone,

I am an EU citizen (self-employed) and I am looking information about the paperwork requested from the government to apply for a residence permit in Bulgaria (5 yrs permit if possible).

Is there a national website where I can see the complete list of documents I need to present? or Does the paperwork vary depending on the location I plan to reside in Bulgaria?

Something else: Can I do the paperwork by myself? or Do I really need a lawyer for this?

Thank you!

Thank you @JimJ


If you're an EU citizen it's very easy (thanks to "Freedom of Movement") to move to any EU country, for any reason.

The EU Citizen Registration can be done at your local (to your new home in Bulgaria) immigration office. It's very straightforward and is definitely doable without an attorney. However, I recommend a local helper (they are usually next to the office) or interpreter/translator. An interpreter might be 50 lv per hour or similar.

You will get a proper biometric ID card valid for 5 years.

To apply, you need proof of funds, proof of health insurance, and proof of address.

They might accept a copy of your credit card and a notarized declaration that you have funds and will support yourself without any recourse to Bulgarian state assistance. Better is a foreign bank statement with oodles of savings. (Minimum wage here is around 500 euros per month, so oodles is anything over 12 x 500.) Best is a Bulgarian bank account, already funded, with a bank-issued statement stamped at your branch.

Proof of health insurance is either your EHIC or a Bulgarian Health Insurance for Foreigners policy (usually about 100 euros).

Proof of address is either the Notary Act (deed) if you purchase a property in Bulgaria, or a long-term rental agreement. if you rent somewhere. For a rental, you actually need both the rental contract AND a Landlord Declaration AND one or both must be notarized (i.e. at least one landlord signing took place at a notary). If you don't want to rent or buy yet, or you want to complete the immigration formalities quickly, some immigration attorneys will arrange a rental contract for you (but typically as part of your residence application).

As mentioned, an attorney is not required. But for around 1,000-1,500 euros they could probably get you a residence permit within 2-3 days in a single visit. (And you wouldn't have to spend time trying to sort out the 3 proofs or tracking down a translator.)

If you have a family (wife/children) then the next step is Family Reunification.

@gwynj First at all thank you for the complete information you just provided.

Do you know…if  I am moving with my husband, he is also eu citizen. Do I make the application first and then he apply for family reunification or Do we both make the application at the same time ?


If you're both EU citizens then that's very easy. You can still do Family Reunification, or you can do 2 x EU Citizen Registrations.

@gwynj Thank you!