E-Visa form and ICAO line


Like a lot of people I have issues getting my evisa. My icao line in the passport is JIRIS<<RENE<MARIA<JOZEF.

in the evisa form I need to provide my surname and given name. I would say:

  • surname: JIRIS
  • given name: RENE MARIA JOZEF

but that gets denied. My kids only have one given name, like JIRIS<<MIKE and I provided surname JIRIS and given name MIKE, which was accepted.

Somebody has any suggestions??

Like a lot of people I have issues getting my evisa. My icao line in the passport is JIRIS<<RENE<MARIA<JOZEF.

in the evisa form I need to provide my surname and given name. I would say:
surname: JIRIS
given name: RENE MARIA JOZEF

but that gets denied. My kids only have one given name, like JIRIS<<MIKE and I provided surname JIRIS and given name MIKE, which was accepted.

Somebody has any suggestions??
    -@René Jiris

Hi there, and welcome to the forum. Sorry to hear of your trouble with the application.

I see in your profile that you are Dutch. Is this correct? If so, can you tell me how your surname appears on the info page of your passport (not the ICAO line)? Is it showing as Jiris (with no spaces between the letters)?

If so, your ICAO line would read as...


Is this how it appears?

If there is a space in your surname on the info page, perhaps showing as Ji Ris or Ji ris, then your passport ICAO line would show as...


(apologies if those points seem rather academic. trying to cover all angles for you)

Now, that being said, it is not unheard of for VN immigration to deny an application in error (i.e. their error).

Is this the first denial you've received, and you've not yet submitted an amendment?


If there is a space in your surname on the info page, perhaps showing as Ji Ris or Ji ris, then your passport ICAO line would show as... P<NDLJI<RIS<<RENE<MARIA<JOZEF<<<<<<<

If indeed there is a space, the format for your name would be

surname: JI


Also, when is your expected arrival date? If it is soon it might be in your best interest to engage the services of an agent here in VN.

@Aidan in HCMC

correct, my surname is Jiris on the passport. There are no spaces or whatsover in any of my names.

The ICAO line as you mention is exactly as it is shown in my passport.

It is denied twice. The second time I tried

  • surname: JIRIS
  • given name: RENE (no second names)

Arrival date will be July 13th

    @Aidan in HCMC
correct, my surname is Jiris on the passport. There are no spaces or whatsover in any of my names.

The ICAO line as you mention is exactly as it is shown in my passport.

It is denied twice. The second time I tried
surname: JIRIS
given name: RENE (no second names)

Arrival date will be July 13th
    -@René Jiris

Okay, understood. Thank you.

I suggest you amend/submit again, using the format in your original application.

    surname: JIRIS

    given name: RENE MARIA JOZEF

There does not appear to be any limit to the number of times an amendment can be made, with one expat amending 5 times prior to receiving approval. As I had mentioned, it is (certainly!) not unheard of for VN immigration to deny an application in error (i.e. their error). I suspect that this is the case here.

If you submit your amended application now, you can expect a reply by close of business day Wednesday the 19th.

Fingers crossed for you. Please let the forum know of the results once received. We'd very much appreciate it. If denied again, we'll try a different avenue. Thankfully you've started the application process early and still have plenty of time to rectify this.

@René Jiris Hello and sorry to ask again.  The ICAO code is the ultimate way to verify your name, so can you share your full line (from the P<NLD.... to the <<<<<<<<)   

Another question: what was the exactly description of denial?

Finally: Ensure you're uploading your passport data page picture, colored, sharpy and without shadows

remember: it is only the horizontal page with your personal data, captured from "Koninkrijk der Nederlanden" to the entire ICAO code

@Aidan in HCMC

Now the Visa is approved. I changed everything back the same way I entered the first time:

  • surname: JIRIS
  • given name: RENE MARIA JOZEF

Thanks for your suggestions!

    @Aidan in HCMC
Now the Visa is approved. I changed everything back the same way I entered the first time:

surname: JIRIS
given name: RENE MARIA JOZEF

Thanks for your suggestions!
    -@René Jiris

Excellent new! And of course a big THANK YOU to you for reporting back to the forum of your success!

Very happy it all worked out.

Once you've arrived, it would be great to hear back from you of your impressions/experiences here. Feel free to ask any other questions which may arise. Lots of friendly folk on the forum ready to help.

Again, very happy your eVisa has now been approved.