Looking for professional cabinet makers - project on another island

Looking to recruit a few cabinet makers to work on a project we have in the bahamas

@dreadantonio Are you sponsoring work permits and paying for travel?

Of course


Hello! My husband is a cabinet maker, with forty years experience and we would like to know more. Please message me in private.   Thank you!

@rfortinsz send me some photos of his work ,  basically we are looking to have one or two excellent cabinet makers come to our country

I cannot post photos here please message me in private. Thank you


Moderated by Bhavna 2 months ago
Reason : Self-promotion
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Do not post your personal info on a public forum! You can reach out to another member using the private messaging function and exchange contact info there


Not sure how this site works

Please message me on WhatsApp


Moderated by Bhavna 2 months ago
Reason : Click on the member's photo to send a private message
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    [Post under review]


Please STOP posting your phone number, or you risk being banned from the site!

Click on the name of the member you want to communicate with, and then you will see an option to message them. In that private message, you can share your WhatsApp number.


Pedro from san pedro de macoris province maybe he make all wardrobe at my home

@Tomyroni do you know how to reach him?

@finewoodworkingclasses are you a cabinet maker?



Moderated by Bhavna 2 months ago
Reason : Advertising. Please contact the member in private. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Can you send us your info? i also need some closets done in my apt in bavaro, thank you