HELP!! Signed an LOi for a rental - EP is late coming

Hi all,

This is a doozy.  So, my husband is a pilot, secured a new position in Singapore with a start date of July 2nd.  EP was put in mid May and company said it usually takes around 5 weeks.  I came to Singapore for 10days to find us a landed house and a LL willing to sign a Letter of intent, we paid a good faith deposit and we even came to an agreement with the current tenants, who are moving back to China to buy some of their furniture.  In the LOi, we agreed that the tenancy agreement would be signed once we get the IPA or by the 30th June.  LL is getting very restless and we now hear he's talking to another agent and doing viewings of the property. We have no control over the MOM but we JUST found out that we HAVE to hear from them either way by the 4th July, which is 4 days after the date put on the LOI. I think, becuase of the changes last Sept, they wanted more info.   I'm aware thatn the LOI is actually not a legally binding document in Singapore and we've ONLY just received a draft of the TA.  If we don't get the IPA by the 30th June, we lose our good faith deposit and potentially the furniture (although we haven't bought it yet)'s my question.  Is the landlord legally allowed to have other potential tenants viewing the property when he has a Letter of intent in place?  If we can't agree on some things in the TA and we decide not to sign it...before the 30th we get our good faith deposit back?.....also, what is the likelihood of trying to ask the LL to extend for 4 days or offering them more money to hold the property. Hubby will be working for a very reputable private charter company in Sing and we are obviously serious about this property. The company has invested a lot of money and time and surely....would not do that if they didn't think the EP would be a problem.  I feel like I'm in a rock and a hard place.  Yes....we should have waited, but circumstances out of our control...meant that we couldn; moving on......suggestions????

Please return to calm thinking, as being in panic does not help here!

  1. If the LoI is not legally binding, as you said, then the landlord has no obligation to rent out the house to you. Neither are you obliged to rent it. Obviously, the landlord is hedging his risks by looking for other tenants. This is understandable!
  2. Until the landlord hands over the property to you, he can do whatever he wants in it - incl. viewings. There is nothing you can (or should) do about it.
  3. If you are serious about renting this property, you could just sign the tenancy contract and thus give the landlord peace of mind. After all, the risk that the EP might come late (or not at all - there is no guarantee!) is yours - not his!
  4. Or, if this seems too much of a risk for you, you could forgo this opportunity and look for another place to rent once the EP is approved.