Pay rent Moroccan or not pay Moroccan rent?

What would you do if your Moroccan wife isn't talking to you because you refuse to buy his brother a wedding gift because he was talking shit about about  and now rent is due? Will you pay the rent and give her monthly allowance even though she has not spoken to about 3 going on 4 weeks. I am in America and she lives in Morocco? If I pay I am encouraging bad behavior and if I don't I am neglecting my responsibilities. It's a conundrum

Hi, what type of wedding gift are they wanting? If it's a nominal gift, I would say that's fine, it's customary to gift things at weddings, however, if it's something expensive, be wary!

Also, with regards to your wife, that's a personal marital matter, you should talk and resolve this.

@aviator1 She wanted to buy stove for them, I don't remember how much we pay for ours


Don't buy anything! Pay your rent! All they do is use people over there Don't fall for it. When you are homeless the trick will move on to the next man.  She is probably sitting there with her lover laughing at you! Keep your money and sanity.

@Penniewisellc Ok either you're playing us with these scenarios or you're definitely not pennie-wise 😆

You must know as you write it out that your query answers itself? Time and again you mention your wife's poor behaviour - either you accept it or not.

All the best!

Brother pay the rent directly to the owner and don't miss up everything , you can fix the problem later about that brother which you have right to not buy him anything if he was talking shit and she should understand that's you have right to act like this and respect you as you respect her , we can't judge her now because we don't know the story but talk to her to fix the problem brother and all will be fine . We are help to advice you and no one judge you .

@touritox Thank you

@Penniewisellc lmao you are getting used for rent and money, grow a spine brother