Approval in principle letter renewal process

Hello, I am writing to seek clarification regarding the renewal process for the Approval in Principle  letter. As an applicant, I want to understand the steps involved and the duration of validity for this letter.

Specifically, I have the following questions:

Renewal Process:

How can I renew the Approval in principle letter once it expires? Are there any specific requirements or procedures?

Validity Duration:

Could anyone please confirm the exact validity period of the Approval in principle letter? Is it extendable, or does it have a fixed duration?

Your prompt response would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your assistance.

I do not believe its renewable, you would need to reapply.

But as ever its best to ask the authority in question than random people on the internet.

@volcane thank you so much

I am going through it myself. All I can say that you have to have all documents housing, health and contracts and stuff, apply again online, get new reference code and then get an appointment. I think it takes as much time as the first time. I am still waiting for my reference code, it has been around 4 days. And I have planned a travel in a week. Don't know how I will go to my travel