How to prove integration?

Hello, I received and automated reply from my gemeente on the requirements for applying for the Belgian citizenship. One thing I do not understand is the integration part. It looks as follows: Integratie

Neem 1 van deze documenten mee om jouw integratie te bewijzen:

- Attest van inburgering

Let op: Een attest van deelname, inschrijving of van resultaat is niet goed.

- Certificaat beroepsopleiding van minimum 400 uur met gevolgde uren en 234 gewerkte dagen van 7,6 uur 

Let op: de opleiding moet aanvaard zijn door de Vlaamse overheid.

Ben je werknemer (geweest)? 

Individuele rekeningen (= jaaroverzichten) van 2019 tot 2023 en loonbrieven 2024 met gewerkte uren

Heb je deze documenten niet? Vraag ze aan jouw werkgever.

Ben je zelfstandig (geweest)? 

Loopbaanattest sociaal verzekeringsfonds (bijvoorbeeld Liantis, Xerius of Acerta) met vermelding dat jouw betalingen in orde zijn

Let op: jouw attest mag niet ouder dan 6 maanden zijn bij jouw afspraak.

- Diploma minimum hoger secundair onderwijs

Let op: de opleiding moet in het Nederlands, Frans of Duits zijn.

I understand the first option is to go through an integration course and the third one is to have a diploma from Belgium. However, I was more aiming for the second one since I have been working in Belgium for 5 years but I don't seem to understand what's required there.


Individual rekeningen a document that you should ask your secreterial from the  work place if you are employee.

It is indicating in 5 years how long your social controbitions paid in a 4 quartal per year.

@maharaji1984 so this is just one document that I can ask my current work for? + Payslips of ONLY 2024? Do I understand this right?

@ahmedyoussef12377 yes for  2019-2023 indivudial rekeningen for  2024  payslips with worked hours. (normally its in this way)

BTW this documents requried for citizenship? Not the unlimited residence permit?  if its for citizenship is that all ?

@maharaji1984 Yes, they're needed for citizenship

@ahmedyoussef12377 I got my citizenship just last week thUrsday. For me i provided individuele rekening from October 2019 to December 2023 from all the different places i had worked. The registrar at the gemeente said i had provided enough because they needed only 458days and mine was close to a 1000.

@ahmedyoussef12377 did they ask just mentioned documents?

@maharaji1984 they just sent me the required documents in an automated reply.

For the rest they wanted my birth certificate, passport, I'd and language proof.


Do you know how do they count 458 days?

@Nayan Lama Just work for at least 1 and half year. that will add up to 458 days

@chaptex24 hi, i suspect that you were able to show proof of social integration in another way, thus your individuele rekeningen was to prove economic participation. in that aspect, the requirement is only 465 days. as i understood, the OP would like to use his work as proof of social integration, thus, it has to be 5 years of working.