Experience about get a job

Hi everyone.

Finally, I decided to write here.

So, I have been sending CVs to many resorts there with only one answer from them. They wanted some videos answering some questions, but that was all. I have twenty years of experience in Maintenance/Engineering. Currently, I am a Manager in a Hotel here in Scotland. I am Spanish, but I have more experience as a Supervisor. I applied to many positions, even the lowest in the facilities department and nothing.

I have my sister working in a Local island and I really would like to go, I enjoyed the diving and the weather, so I know I could be happy there.

Is it so difficult to get a job there? I know I won't be the only one sending my CV, but after twenty years of experience, I thought that at least some interviews could be possible.

Are the workers or the people applying there so good? I meant, here I can have ten in a month, not saying I am amazing and perfect but not a single interview or first round, anything??

Some time ago I contacted with, he said that, a guy working in HR for a resort company,  who said that I would be expensive for the company because of the VISA and the tickets to return home, I think this is BS cause my sister has the VISA and the tickets every year and is working for a small local hotel.

Probably some people work with contacts or maybe they can benefit people from their own country, I have no contacts. I know the webs to find job and I check them daily.

Somebody could give light to this, please?? I would appreciate a lot guys.

Thanks a lot!

@Hugo TypeR

Hello Hugo,

Welcome !

It can be difficult indeed !How did your sister land a job ? Can't she talk to her contacts for you ?



@Bhavna Hi, thanks for your reply.

My sister use to go there for snorkeling and the owner of the local hotel offered her the job. My sister spoke with some friends that work in resorts around but after that you know, if they remember or want is another story.

I of course assume that will not be easy but after probably more than 50 CVs sent I thought that I could have some interviews, that is why I am writing this post.

Thanks a lot!