B permit questions

Hi! I have two questions about the B residence permit (as an EU citizen).

1.Can you sign a rental agreement before applying for the B permit, or get the permit first and only then look for an apartment?

2.While you hold the B permit, are you allowed to also live part-time in your previous home country? I'm a solo entrepreneur and would probably keep my apartment in my current home country, where I would still spend time to see friends and family every now and then. But how long can you be away in order to keep your B permit valid? Can I spend summers in my previous home? How is this monitored, since I would only be travelling within Europe?

  1. Usually, you'll need the rental agreement to obtain the B permit and landlords should be aware of such a situation. As long as you can show that you'll eligible for the permit, it won't be a serious issue. With the rental contract, your passport and your proof of income you go to the town administration or the cantonal migration office - they'll organise your B permit. Send copies of the B permit to the landlord (and to your employer). And organise mandatory health insurance as soon as you've got your B permit, and send a copy of the insurance contract to the town administration.
  2. "Live" and "Stay" are different things. Here is some information of the Swiss authorities: https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/de/home/le … 0abmelden.