
Card L vs Card B

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Hello people,

I am looking to understand the difference between card B and card L, which one is best suited for me and do I get to choose or not ?

First, I lived in belgium for 5 years under single permit.

Then I am looking to be independent and also to get my citizenship.

What card will allow me to be independent and apply for citizenship ?

What card will be quicker to be ready ?

Since I want to stay in Belgium, I do not really care about the option of going to a different Eu country.

Can you go for the B and then go for the L eventually if needed ?

Thanks a lot for your input


Happy New Year!

B card normally given to refugees , persons who receiving subsidiary protection or holding an A card for 5 years uninterrupted period. There are also other circumstances which you did not mentioned.

From B card to L card you can not go through. B card (valid 5 years no condition to renew) replaces  to K (valid 10 years , no condition to renew)

L card(valid 10 years , no condition to renew) is given to people who worked 5 years nonstop . (No integration and language prove asking )

Good luck


I did work and live in belgium for 5 years uninterrupted.. i only went home on vacations

I believe I should be eligible for both cards ?



Just apply for the L Card, much easier to get and is a pre-requisite for your Belgian Nationality application if you want one.



I can't get the citizenship with B card ?

What is the procedure to apply for L card. I live in Schaerbeek brussels and the commune website was not clear about the procedure



I've already noticed in several threads that you're stating and presenting incorrect information, so I have to correct you here.

  1. The B card is not actually a right but a "privilege", and the decision for it is made by immigration most often after applying for the next A card (extension), immigration gives the right of unlimited residence (instead of limited, as before). The B card can probably be granted to refugees, but it is also granted when extending the residence permit to people who have worked continuously for more than 5 years. If for example you have worked continuously for 6 years, and it is not time to extend your A card, no one will automatically contact you to transfer it to B. In several topics I have seen that people actually apply for a B card, but this is not possible everywhere. If you check the website of the city of Antwerp, you will see that a person cannot actually apply for a B card themselves.
  2. The next mistake you made is that the L card is granted to people who have worked for 5 years non-stop. This is not true, you can check that the condition for the L card is a continuous residence of 5 years (for students, the period they studied counts as half) and that the person is employed at the time of application, i.e. that the salary is in a certain amount. I personally know people who, for example, studied for a certain period of time and worked for a certain period of time (less than 5 years) and were granted the L card.


In that case, it only makes sense to me that you apply for an L card, because in the context of applying for citizenship, it doesn't matter whether you have a B or an L. Both cards are the right to unlimited residence.



Hi there ,

Thank you for your attention.

Could you please reply with your comments regarding the incorrect information provided? The information I shared was based on thorough research, not from assumptions.

Of course, there are various circumstances, and I cannot evaluate them all or provide a tailor-made response.That why i said to OP There are also other circumstances which he-she did not mentioned.

Your personal experiences as you said your personally know people are not our refferance.

In this case you are giving false information to others.

Please read here carefully.




I already explained differences of B card and L card.

As long as you have unlimited residence permit in Belgium you can apply for citizenship no matter either you have B,K,L, F or F+.

If you are fullfilling the conditions for L card go for it. Otherwise  for B card you should proove your integration certificate, language certificate.

For L card you will be asked for 5 years period compte individual , health insurance and  valid id card. This may vary depended on townhall. Better direct contact but majority provides this mentioned documents.

Good luck



You mentioned:

L card(valid 10 years , no condition to renew) is given to people who worked 5 years nonstop . (No integration and language prove asking )

It is not correct that condition for L card is to work 5 years non stop, but to have 5 years of interrupted legal residence.

From the same page where you got your screenshot is stated everything I already mentioned. 5 years of legal residence, and stable, regular and adequate means of subsistence. It is nowhere specified that person needs to work 5 years nonstop. People that for example study, and work after their graduation, can also apply for L card after 5 years of uninteruppted legal residence (period during study counts as half).




Regarding B card and applying for B card.

Screenshot from this link: … genkaart-b



Thats exactyl why i said There are also other circumstances which you did not mentioned. which OP was not mentioned that s/he studying.

In this case given information is not incorrect but missing by the OP.

It is not correct that condition for L card is to work 5 years non stop, but to have 5 years of interrupted legal residence.

When OP said I lived in Belgium for 5 years have you understood anything else than OP have been living here for 5 years?


Thank you everyone for your collaboration !

Did anyone know how it goes specifically in Schaerbeek?



it has nothing to do with commune they just collect papers, decision to be taken in Ministry

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