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    . Little tougher on politics than - @mugtech



The country says they will not forcibly remove US citizen illegal migrants, but time will tell. Yes, there are American illegal immigrants that are now in greater danger as a direct result of Trump's policies. On the bright side, Columbian canines are probably breathing a sigh of relief as they see a possible end to being hunted by illegal immigrants.

As for 25% tariffs designed to punish Columbia, try again, Mr. Trump. Your first victim is going to be  US company owned by veterans.

I wonder how many of their people voted for Trump, and how many are saying very naughty words about their foolishness.

American expats in many countries should keep a weather eye on Trump's antics and have a grab bag ready for deportation if he targets your adopted country.

However, it's far more likely US expats who run businesses that export to the States will simply go bust and be forced to go home.


@danfinnI wonder why the Russians, Chinese, Iranians, North Koreans etc don't appoint media commentators to their most senior defence positions? I mean you do realise the kind of guys Hegseth is going up against? Or don't you? - @Brojeslov
With all due respect sir, you know and I know that a person's one-time employment as a media commentator has no negative or positive effects on anything. It is, frankly, a stupid question and I refuse to engage having no opinion on other countries" defense positions. - @danfinn

But surely you have an opinion on the fact Hegseth has never held a senior position in any organisation until his appointment as US defense secretary responsible for over one million staff and a trillion dollar budget. Doesn't it at least strike you as odd that no-one has recognised his talent up until now? And don't you think that suggests the risk that he actually doesn't have any talent?



All aside the goings on and crap with the new US administration is more entertaining than a day to a visiting circus, the circus clowns pale in comparison to what is taking place now after a week. Seems they can't even deport 2 plane loads of illegals but want Jordan and Egypt to take in 1.5 million Palestinians and "clean the place out" talk about ethnic cleansing and very glad to hear it was flatly refused.

The world is now in a very tumultuous place and stoked by whom?

As another said I'm glad I'm not a Seppo especially in an expat situation and as an outsider my opinion is not really worth mentioning but and only an observation the whole world is transfixed by the debacle unfolding, for me I enjoy the laughs and hypocrisy.


Cheers, Steve. 


All aside the goings on and crap with the new US administration is more entertaining than a day to a visiting circus, the circus clowns pale in comparison to what is taking place now

Cheers, Steve. - @bigpearl

Trump is the first female president, give her a chance … -order-sex


An interesting read Fred and can be argued at all levels. I think greater things and disasters are afoot, Gender assignment? Get off the grass and focus where needed and while the majority put Ronald Mc Donald into power are now starting to see what they wished for and OMO see a very sad end, misfiring, backfiring from an untuned engine is seen now,,,,,, week one. As said time will tell.

I remember very well my ventures in and around Manila, especially Tondo where the thugs would yell at me JOE,,,,, no I'm Australian and they would come and talk to me and welcome me to their country. I see it all the time here with big headed Seppo's that are full of themselves in their ivory mansions, I am better than you. I avoid like the plague and only met one man and his wife from Portland Oregon that I share time with over the years, they are human beings, normal and a pleasure to know them.

I think no matter how long you debate principals and politics the proof of the pie is in the eating and already the pastry is doughy,,,,, lol, give it a few years and we will be put back in our place or China will be # 1.


Cheers, Steve,


I think no matter how long you debate principals and politics the proof of the pie is in the eating and already the pastry is doughy,,,,, lol, give it a few years and we will be put back in our place or China will be # 1.


Cheers, Steve, - @bigpearl

You mentioned the 'Joe', and the change of attitude when they realised you weren't.

I see a very high likelihood that will get far worse, possibly as far as violence used against US expats in some countries.

I predict the US is going to be a dead duck unless they start a war as a last ditch attempt to maintain its world position.

The US has a very poor attitude, but worse, they've gone soft so just expect to be the best.

The point was made in an excellent documentary about Chinese manufacturing. It seems they see a successful copy of their product as their own fault because they didn't innovate quicky enough, thus allowed the copy a market place.

The west goes for intellectual property that slows the very innovation that keeps China on top.

As a practical example, I have three super thin portable monitors from the same Chinese company.

The first is still a really nice monitor that easily beats my 'real' desktop monitors.

The second is a 10 inch one I use with my Chromebook and Android tablets - Frankly, It's great.

About a year later, I saw a touchscreen version of the same monitor from the same manufacturer. It's stunning. The first 10 inch screen is very very good, but the newer unit was a shock.

I leave the older one in my office with a super thin Chinese made Keyboard for when I want to use my phone as a computer.

I bought a second keyboard to use with the new touchscreen in case I want to do the same at home or when I'm out somewhere.

I have a Samsung Tab S8 with its expensive Samsung keyboard that cost $185, but the $62 Chinese keyboard is as good, and it has a trackpad.

The upshot is, western products move slowly. Samsung has a really nice foldable phone, but it's camera is old hat. They'll bring out an upgrade next year with a better camera, the one a Chinese company would have put in straight away.

It's all down to attitude.

The West hasn't got a snowballs chance in hell of beating the Chinese because their crap attitude will always stop them winning.



Joe or no matters little as I keep a low profile and all in my area know I'm an Aussie and I always talk and treat our neighbours with respect and it's reciprocal, An Aussie with a Filipino (gay couple 14 yrs on) partner is more than accepted here unlike the expats that question our choice I steer well clear and care little what they think or gossip about. We have a very good life here and is generated by being a normal human being, not some big headed twat.

World politics are a laugh a minute for me especially these days and while I take note sadly notice the locals have no idea what's happening in the Philippines let alone the crap going on worldwide, isolated mentality? I care little as no body here bothers us and while my thoughts matter little the diatribe from many contributing here needs some reflection, perhaps soul searching into realities, not shoving their views down others throats as gospel.


Cheers, Steve.


. We have a very good life here and is generated by being a normal human being, not some big headed twat.


Cheers, Steve. - @bigpearl



And maybe Fred you should let your US hatred stop and simply look at the country you call home, Indonesia and the gross inadequacies there before criticizing other countries.

Indonesia is certainly not without it's fallacies and turmoil's and while easy to criticize other countries perhaps one should look in their own backyard first if that's you chosen country.

I looked long and hard at Filipino history, an interesting journey/history and most here are oblivious to the past, I remember asking my God fearing partner (that never went to church)  about 12 years ago, His answer? Filipinos have always been Christian, No Ben Christianity was introduced by the Spanish when they invaded your country,,,,,,, No we are Christians and always have been,,,,,,, No Ben 12th century you were mostly Muslim and it goes on,,,,, beliefs and realities?

All aside the people decided their POTUS and now we simply watch it play out, so far as said more fun than the circus.


Cheers, Steve.


         Glad I do not drink Colombian coffee.


LOL Mugtech, what's going to happen to JD in the Philippines, maybe I'll have to change my diet?

Cheers, Steve.


I looked long and hard at Filipino history, an interesting journey/history and most here are oblivious to the past, I remember asking my God fearing partner (that never went to church) about 12 years ago, His answer? Filipinos have always been Christian, No Ben Christianity was introduced by the Spanish when they invaded your country,,,,,,, No we are Christians and always have been,,,,,,,

Cheers, Steve. - @bigpearl

            Perhaps he read my story of a few years ago about how the Philippines were in the Bible.  I was inspired by a high school student who did the second reading at mass that day, said the reading came from Paul's letter to the Philippines.  Story involved a cardinal who changed the name of the book in the Bible to that name to help convince Filipinos that God was looking out for them all these years.  Of course the letter was written 1,500 years before the Philippines got that name.  Never knew a Bible salesman to let the truth get in the way of a good story. 


LOL Mugtech, what's going to happen to JD in the Philippines, maybe I'll have to change my diet?
Cheers, Steve. - @bigpearl

       The new tariffs on Colombian goods will probably not effect the price of cocaine.


A lot more research mugtech on your behalf and not believing a high school students version of events. The Philippines was predominately Muslim until the Spanish arrived 5 0r 600 years ago and crambed Christianity down the throats of the conquered, golly sounds like many countries sadly.


Cheers, Steve.


some truly sad seppos here why are you in the philippines if americans politics is so great, isnt that the reason you are here to get away from that garbage
this thread is the reason why most expats wont to stay away from other expats and enjoy the Philippines and its people
ps its only the seppos who carry on with this political garbage not any other expats carry on about their politics in their country, americans really need to grow up - @Agg Coolabah

We are not here due to the state of American politics. Most of us are here for economic / financial reasons, family, and a change in scenery. You are mistaking us for Hollywood celebrities who keep saying that they will leave America if Trump wins, but never have since 2016, unless they're involved in the Combs case. One of them did leave for Europe. Her house got flooded. She might also be involved in the Combs case. Karma's a birch.

This thread and other threads like this are what keep the Philippine forum one of the most active and have one of the highest traffic on this site, which is why, I think, mods sometimes allow certain political comments on this thread.

If you use "seppos" for "Americans" and think that it's only Americans who bring their politics with them when they go abroad, then you're the one who needs to grow up.


A lot more research mugtech on your behalf and not believing a high school students version of events. The Philippines was predominately Muslim until the Spanish arrived 5 0r 600 years ago and crambed Christianity down the throats of the conquered, golly sounds like many countries sadly.

Cheers, Steve. - @bigpearl

See, his reading Philippines instead of Philippians caused me to Write a fictional story for my own amusement. I write of Cardinal Alberto  Pujos from the Mediterranean small island of St Louis who was sent by the church to direct the conversion of the island of Luzon to Catholicism, since he was experienced in island living.  It was his plot to change Paul's letter and convince the locals to join the church.  Not all the clergy cooperated, there were some who did not want to participate in the sham. Most of them were in or around Angeles.  The Cardinal called them  los Angeles dodgers.  He finally converted them to his way of thinking, and right before he retired he joined them, they called themselves the Angels.  The cardinal won two MVP awards.  Very few clergy won the Most Venerated Padre award Twice....... His success is still evident in the islands today.


And maybe Fred you should let your US hatred stop

Cheers, Steve. - @bigpearl

That's the common error. I don't hate America or Americans, just the wars their government keeps starting... oh, and the political interfering that starts more wars.

You can hate policy without hating the ordinary people who just happen to be born there but have no part in the death and destruction caused by their government.

However, I dislike Americans with  big mouths and no brains, but that's because they're idiots, not specifically American idiots.


Just to prove you wrong, I have American friends. 😇


Thrilling Fred and we won't hold that against you.

Cheers, Steve.

Enzyte Bob

Fred said . . . . Just to prove you wrong, I have American friends.


Generally when a racists get called out, (not Implying Fred is a racists), their reply is:

Some of my best friends are _________ .

I can't fill in the blank without this post coming under review (and gone forever)


Fred said . . . . Just to prove you wrong, I have American friends.
Generally when a racists get called out, (not Implying Fred is a racists), their reply is:
Some of my best friends are _________ .

I can't fill in the blank without this post coming under review (and gone forever) - @Enzyte Bob

See the emoji


Just to prove you wrong, I have American friends. 😇 - @Fred

I wonder what they did to deserve that?


Just to prove you wrong, I have American friends. 😇 - @Fred
I wonder what they did to deserve that?
- @danfinn

Karma's a bitch


Just to prove you wrong, I have American friends. 😇 - @Fred
I wonder what they did to deserve that?
- @danfinn
Karma's a bitch
- @mugtech

I had no idea you were a Buddhist







All aside the goings on and crap with the new US administration is more entertaining than a day to a visiting circus, the circus clowns pale in comparison to what is taking place now after a week. Seems they can't even deport 2 plane loads of illegals but want Jordan and Egypt to take in 1.5 million Palestinians and "clean the place out" talk about ethnic cleansing and very glad to hear it was flatly refused.

The world is now in a very tumultuous place and stoked by whom?
As another said I'm glad I'm not a Seppo especially in an expat situation and as an outsider my opinion is not really worth mentioning but and only an observation the whole world is transfixed by the debacle unfolding, for me I enjoy the laughs and hypocrisy.


Cheers, Steve. - @bigpearl

To be honest, I’m not anti the Trump agenda at its broadest level. Politics is broken, the swamp does need to be drained, I doubt many of the parasites sacked by Trump will be missed etc. But he is a deeply flawed character and glossing over his flaws, denying his excesses, attacking his critics as if they are the problem, doesn’t do him or the political process any favours. Like everybody, Trump needs to be held to account and some of his cabinet appointments and recent executive orders are not just stupid but dangerous



Trump needs to be held to account and some of his cabinet appointments and recent executive orders are not just stupid but dangerous.

Your high expertise in American politics is noted. Unbelievable how you are so much more knowledgeable than the majority of US voters who voted him in to carry out exactly what he is doing.

Looks like it's it's your opinion against Americas. But everybody had opinions and whatever.


Looks like it's it's your opinion against Americas. But everybody had opinions and whatever. - @danfinn

I agree. It's because the US education system is rubbish so kids grow up clueless

Enzyte Bob

Fred said . . . .  It's because the US education system is rubbish so kids grow up clueless.


Somebody must re-educate you Fred, so I will start.

(1) There are 13,000 school districts in the U.S.

(2) There are 5,300 Colleges & Universities


(3) There are 8300 Indonesian students in US colleges

Indonesia is at #23 enrollment world wide and second largest from SEA.

#1 China with 1.1 Million.

The best from Indonesia & China come to the US to learn rubbish?


Fred said . . . .  “It's because the US education system is rubbish so kids grow up clueless.”

These attacks on America and its institutions do not dignify a response / rebuttal. I will from now on treat the poster for what he is a “troll”


The US education system is ranked 1st in the world by Americans.

Most others rank it 13th.

The US ranks 33rd out of 44 advanced countries when you look at a percentage of people getting an above high school education.

Look it up. Facts aren't Trolling.


         So all but12 are rubbish?.  A certain Indonesia expert not named Fred sends his children to the USA for their education.

Enzyte Bob

Fred said . . . .The US education system is ranked 1st in the world by Americans.
Most others rank it 13th.
The US ranks 33rd out of 44 advanced countries when you look at a percentage of people getting an above high school education.


The US has the most Noble Prize Wins 400+

China with 1.5 Billion Population has one more Noble Prize win than Israel's 9.5 Million population (13 to 12)

Flash hot off the press: Indonesia with a population of 285 million has One Noble prize and that was in 1924, actually that was from a Dutch man born in Indonesia.


    So all but12 are rubbish?. A certain Indonesia expert not named Fred sends his children to the USA for their education. - @mugtech

Why do you feel the need to lie in order to support your position?

As you do, I can only assume you know you are wrong but don't wish to admit it.


You know what happens when you assume.


As for 25% tariffs designed to punish Columbia, try again, Mr. Trump. Your first victim is going to be US company owned by veterans.

I wonder how many of their people voted for Trump, and how many are saying very naughty words about their foolishness.

American expats in many countries should keep a weather eye on Trump's antics and have a grab bag ready for deportation if he targets your adopted country.
However, it's far more likely US expats who run businesses that export to the States will simply go bust and be forced to go home. - @Fred

Oh no. OMG. If the Colombian President doesn't take back their people who committed serious crimes in the US, the price of a bag of Colombian coffee is going to go up by $2 per bag and $0.05 a cup at Starbucks. Woe is me. I'm gonna stop here and cry like Selena Gomez.

LOL. Get real.  First of all, Colombia is not the only country that sells coffee. If the price of that coffee goes up, there are other options for coffee sellers. Regarding coffee / coffee drinks sold at coffee shops, a cup of coffee has ingredients other than raw coffee. Raw coffee needs to be roasted and ground. And that is done at the coffee shop or a local roaster. There's also milk, water, cost of equipment, cups, packaging, sugar, syrup, rent, utilities, labor / salaries (a wage increase has the biggest effect on the price of a cup of coffee), etc.

Second, you picked the wrong coffee company to make an example of. This veteran-owned company's short video goes, "There are certain things in America that are sacred, like standing for the national anthem, supporting the men and women in blue, and keeping your woke fingers off my coffee." You should see what happens next to what looks like a Starbucks cup.  Clue: caliber. How do you think that veteran-owned coffee store would react if the criminals, whose presence caused some fellow veterans to become homeless and hurt their fellow Americans, would have to stay in America because these criminals' president refused to take them? Removing that coffee from their shelves sounds like a possibility.   

Lastly, I don't see the Philippines refusing to take back their citizens. In fact, the Philippine Ambassador advised Filipino illegal aliens to self-deport now. 



Excellent post! Trump is doing exactly what he said he would do and has the support of the majority of Americans.


keeping your woke fingers off my coffee." - @FilAmericanMom

The woke fingers belong to?

  1. I think Trump is right on a few things:
  2. Getting rid of illegals
  3. Stopping illegal immigrants entering the country
  4. There are two sexes + a few genetic abnormalities in South Africa (However, his thickness the president failed to  properly define  gender)

As for starting a tariff war, that is just an admission your industry is second best.


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