Looking to rent a small apartment in December 2011 (in Venice)


We are a Canadian couple looking to rent a small furnished apartment in Venice.  We are flexible with our dates: can be as of December 3rd for a week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks or even a month. Willing to exchange language lessons, light housekeeping, pet care, babysitting, housesitting...

Parliamo inglese, francese e poco italiano.

If you know of anything available, please write to me and let me know about the place and how much it costs.


Maybe you could try posting an advert in the accommodation section of Venice classifieds as well!
It might help ;)


Isn't that where I posted?  That's what it says on the top of my page...

You are here: Destination > Europe > Italy > Venice > Forum > Accommodation >

You are now on the forum in the Accommodation thread category ;)
Follow this link for classifieds: https://www.expat.com/en/classifieds/eu … ly/venice/

Ah, ho capito! 

I have also posted there now...thanks.