Just moved to Wellington....tips and suggestons very welcome!!

Hi there

I've just arrived in Wellington - two days a go in fact.  It's all really new, slightly daunting but very exciting.  I've moved here to work for the charity Life Flight - first day is tomorrow!

I've come here to explore, get fit and meet new people. So I was wondering if anyone had any tips or suggestions please...on things to do and see, places to go, ways to meet people or anything really about Wellington.

I like walking and exploring new places - one of the main reasons I came here.  But I also like going to gigs and seeing live music.  And watching and playing various sports...football, rugby, squash and cricket.

If anyone fancies meeting up for a beer or coffee please get in touch. My email address is gadavies1979@gmail.com.



Hello Gareth and welcome to Expat.com!

Thanks for your introduction.;)


croeso i Wellington a Sealand Newydd Gareth will probably catch up with you in the Welsh Dragon one of these days. It might be you might enjoy reading The Quarryman's Son by Taffy Parry which I published as an eBook on Amazon recently. You will  no doubt have a laugh when I  reflect on my arrival with thrreepounds ten in my pocket 50 years ago ! Nadolig llawen and if you are at a loose end over Xmas give me a buzz in Plimmerton.

Hi Alwyn

I'm afraid I'm from London...my welsh lineage stopped at my grandfather (who was from Bangor).

Still, I will check out the book and the have spied the Welsh Dragon - which will definitely be frequented soon. Always up for a pint so maybe one in there sometime?
