Almost In Gozo

They say the best things in life come to those who wait. Well, it's been a long time coming but I finally arrive in Gozo on 3rd February. Been let down a few times with the sale of my house here but it's now officially sold and the flights are booked. 60% excited 40% nervous. Going to stay in a hotel for 5 days until I find a flat and will be living out of a suitcase until my stuff arrives at the end of February but can't wait. Just need to look for a job, find some friends and my new life will be complete. Oh and join a gym. Need to lose a few stone to go with the sun tan I'll soon have lol)

Hi James,

welcome to the forum and all the best for your new life in Gozo.



Woohoo Well Done James, enjoy your new life

prosit james

iddiverti siebhi

ah see showing off your Malti there Toon lol :)

xit trid taghmel..... ta

Thanks guys. Still getting used to the forum (posting int he wrong place etc lol) but looking forward to having a good look around. Finding all the good places to go and hopefully getting to meet some new people. You can't have too many friends