Cost of living in muscat

Chaitanyab wrote:

Hello All,

    This blog is really helpful to me and Answers by Mr. Sumitran,  I have recently offered job in Oman Muscat with 550 OMR and company will provide house,food, vehicle,telephone and its bills everything. I am planning to shift my family (me & my wife) their, please suggest me whether this salary is good enough considering the normal living style at Oman?

Please help me..

Hi Chaitanyab,

If your company is providing you with house, food, utility bills and all, then your expenses would only be for your toothpaste and other toiletries ! LOL !! (Food too ?).

Go for it ! You can save at least R.O. 400/- per month !

Hi All,

I am going to get an offer in IT Industry in Muscat.. I am a almost 5 yrs experience guy in IT Industry. Could you please let me know, how much package could i ask in Muscat?

And also please let me know the cost of living in muscat. Consider that company hasnt provided any accomdation. How much i could save if i stay normal life and company offers 1000 OMR.

Please help me

Dear Gopi,
Refer to the following link. It may help you to analyze.

Hi guys!

     I just would like to share our expenses being an expat here in Oman because majority of the posts here are asking the same salary/expenses questions. My wife and I are working here in Oman. I'm getting a net salary of 900 R.O. and my wife's net is 600 R.O. So we get a total of 1,500 R.O./month.


Accommodation Rent - 300 R.O.
Car - 180 R.O
Food/Groceries - 120 R.O.
Petrol - 25 R. O.
Internet - 25 R.O.
Mobile - 25 R.O.
Water/Electricity - 25 R.O.
Bar/Liquor Drinks - 15 R.O.
Movies/Shopping/Restaurants - 70 R.O.

Total Monthly Expenses     - 785 R.O.

So with this figure we're able to save the extra remaining amount from our combined monthly income. That would be 715 R.O. savings per month which is not bad.I guess each one of us has his/her own way of budgeting our salaries to make ends meet but in the end it boils down to being able to keep a fairly good sum of money and  at the same time living a good life in a place that is not your own.Our lifestyle is not that decent but at least we get what we want and we're contented.

When I first arrived in Oman 2 years ago; I was only offered 500 R.O. all in,and I did not hesitate to accept it 'coz I was optimistic to land a better paying position in a few years time and besides it is just my first time to work in Oman so I couldn't demand anything,so after a few years I secured a job with another company that offered a salary higher than what I was paid so i took it.Luckily I was able to get my wife and convert her family visa into an employment visa so that is how the two of us ended up working here. My point is that, being offered with a certain salary which you think is low does not make you less as a person.Getting a good salary is not tht easy,you should earn it 'though of course we all need to save some for the future but a savings of 100 R.O. is still a savings.Be optimistic and keep in mind that for example you are receiving a salary of 350 R.O. that is not your salary forever.Love your work and be very good at what you do and in time you will get rewarded.Two years ago I was only receiving 500 R.O./month..and now after 2 years I'm getting 900/month...maybe sooner I will be getting more than this who knows.Cheer up 'coz there is always a place for us under the sun guys!...

Hi Schaz,

Thanks for the link. One more help.. I got a offer in ITON Technoligies.. Could you please let me know, how the company is? Is it good company?

Many thanks for your post and im sure it would really energize the new comers, especially with those who've comparitively lower salary. People need to understand the circumstances, rather to compare themselves with others.

Dear Gopi!
I am not an IT guy. I have never heared of this company. Google it and let me know if I could help you somehow.
However you may ask more than a thousand question for Oil&Gas sector, as i belong to this field !!


Well spoken, OFW !

Got a Job opportunity in muscat with a salary pkg of 285OR. Is it good to live in muscat. Accomodation is provided by the company. Food is my headache. Kindly advice?

shoebs wrote:

Got a Job opportunity in muscat with a salary pkg of 285OR. Is it good to live in muscat. Accomodation is provided by the company. Food is my headache. Kindly advice?

If you could just help yourself a bit and read this whole topic from the begining, you'll be able to analyz everything easily.


hi kamran,

in hand salary of 1050rials is v good..
3bhk house may cost u upto 500-700rials a month(depending upon the place u choose to stay in muscat)
electricity in 3bhk = 20rials(approx), water = 20rials(approx)
changing jobs is not that difficult like in saudi; although its always an advantage if u r an engineer or a MBA, CA etc.

Even if your qualification is very basic , at 285 RO u better try to take this to 750 RO of you are single that is.

Assuming that u have a post graduate qualification from top university or institute u should try to get 750 RO if single , 1500 RO if a couple , between 2250 to 2500 RO per month if couple with school going child(ten).


I am a MBA (Fin & Mkt) & expecting to get my first overseas offer in muscat with pay package of 700 OMR per month with bachelor accommodation but fooding is in my account. I am a bachelor & my life style is very simple. Love entertainment, Internet, but don't love alcohol. So is it good pay package ? can i save at least 50% of my salary. Can i afford public transport ? Can i switch-off my job on expiry of my contract period with high package ?

Please advise.

Birthday Boy Susant


I have been offered 475RO pm. Please let me know if I move alone and live a normal lifestyle, then what are the chances of savings..

Thanks in advance..

Hello Mr. Sumitran,

i got an offer to work in muscat, the salary is 1700 omr. Is it enough to live for a couple in muscat. I have a baby (1.5 yr). can i save something from it?

What is the expected savings potential with this salary.

What is the expected rent of a 1BHK apartment in a decent locality in Muscat.

Environment for Living


shresth wrote:

Hello Mr. Sumitran,
i got an offer to work in muscat, the salary is 1700 omr. Is it enough to live for a couple in muscat. I have a baby (1.5 yr). can i save something from it?
What is the expected savings potential with this salary.
What is the expected rent of a 1BHK apartment in a decent locality in Muscat.
Environment for Living

Hi Shresth,

1 BHK apartment would set you back by about R.O. 250/- per month.

I, as well as others have provided details of all other costs, elsewhere in this forum. Read them for specifics.

If you need to set up your house then it would cost you at least R.O. 2500/- initially.

Once the initial settling down expenses are all met, then you should easily be able to save about 50% of your monthly income, provided you lead a modest lifestyle (yet without compromises).

Good luck !

Thanks for your prompt response Mr. Sumitran.
My wife is PhD in chemistry, so please explain
- scope of science student in muscat (in teaching/R&D  etc.)?

As my baby is 1.5 years old
- Cruch facility available in muscat?


Teaching / R&D jobs may perhaps be available for PhDs (I am guessing) ... but the salary may not be really be commensurate with the qualifications (I am not guessing).

The concept of Crèches is not common in Muscat. But a lot of housewives do ‘babysitting' out of their homes for a monthly fee, as a source of additional income.

I have just come to start a probation time in a company. They suggest 500 to 650 RO. salary depending on over time working.
They will also give furnished apartment in Muscat and car with all its expenditures(bills of water, electricity, petrol, maintenance ... ) and I have 2 children. one is 14 and the other is 2.5.
I asked and found that the school fees is low for us and I calculated that for buying materials for food would cost about 150 RO per month.
The insurance only covers me.
I want to know about the other hidden expenditures that I do not know cause I am planning to bring my family and you know that it would not be find out exact expenditures.
Would you please give me advice that this kind of calculation is OK or NOT?
What are other hidden charges?

rezalotfal wrote:

I have just come to start a probation time in a company. They suggest 500 to 650 RO. salary depending on over time working.
They will also give furnished apartment in Muscat and car with all its expenditures(bills of water, electricity, petrol, maintenance ... ) and I have 2 children. one is 14 and the other is 2.5.
I asked and found that the school fees is low for us and I calculated that for buying materials for food would cost about 150 RO per month.
The insurance only covers me.
I want to know about the other hidden expenditures that I do not know cause I am planning to bring my family and you know that it would not be find out exact expenditures.
Would you please give me advice that this kind of calculation is OK or NOT?
What are other hidden charges?

Hi rezalotfal,

Even with accommodation (fully furnished I guess) and utility bills provided for by the company, the package quoted by you is on the lesser side - for a family of husband and wife, with two kids.

By insurance, I suppose you are referring to Medical Insurance. If the company is not providing your wife and kids with medical insurance then it would be a strain on you, god forbid, should any of them fall ill. Medical services and medicines are expensive if you and your family are not covered by insurance.

As quoted by you, R.O. 150/- per month for a family of four towards provisions too is on the borderline. It would go up higher.

School fee needs to be factored in as well.

Give the offer a serious rethink rezalotfal.

Good luck !

Thank you for prompt reply.
I must also tell that they will not pay for air travel tickets for my family per year. That costs

Regarding to my probation time, how much at least I must earn? I mean that maybe they accept my suggestion.

rezalotfal wrote:

Thank you for prompt reply.
I must also tell that they will not pay for air travel tickets for my family per year. That costs

Hi rezalotfal,

It would prove to be a rather difficult proposition for you to manage your expenses, given the said amount.

Best wishes.

rezalotfal wrote:

Regarding to my probation time, how much at least I must earn? I mean that maybe they accept my suggestion.

The probation time (usually) in every company is 3 months. Normally, the companies mention the period in the contract letter / offer. If the company commits to increase the salary after the probation period, it should be mentioned in the offer, else it would not happen (Black side of GCC). However, the increments after probations are generally less, hence i would recomend you to do a strong negotiation as one of your kid is 14 year old.

Muscat is quite an expensive city to live in and since every expat comes here with a mindset of saving as much as he could, one should really consider all the scenarios before taking down the decision.

Best of luck !

Thank you Schaz for your information.
Is it logical to ask for 700 RO and the house and car would be by company? also all its expenditures.
Although it depends on style of living, for a normal family with medium expenses and also the school is low rate for us.

I want to know your idea only?

There are 3 major concerns for expats in this country.

1- Housing.
2- Medical.
3- Schooling of the children.

In your scenario, housing has been taken care by your company (which is positive). I have no idea about the school fees of children, however i know that international schools are quite expensive here.
Considering what salary you've been offered, it would be advisable if you can negotiate for OMR 1000 + all the facilities, however if the company doesn't accept, you may ask for 700 OMR (Depending upon how you calculate the things at your end).

Thank you. I also reached to the items that you mentioned.

I would appreciate if you know the Malaysian or Philippine school by English Medium in Muscat?


      Im Karthik from Pondicherry, India. Im a fresher in Mech Engg. I attended an interview conducted By Saud Bahwan Group from Muscat. I was selected for the position of Officer - Parts in their company. My salary wil b around 225 OMR including Accommodation, Food, transport(to & fro from the company), Medical, Insurance, airfare. I checked out the above posts by various ppl and found tat they are offering me a low salary. As far as i hav heard, SBG is a well known and famous automobile conglomerate in Oman.

My question is -  whether is it a good place to start my career in an automobile firm?

Is it possible for me to save some money from wat they offer?

I don not wanna indulge in any kind of lavish lifestyle at the beginning. I don not smoke or drink but i do eat a lot(lol) and occasionally watch movies and would like to travel and explore the country.

Can i make a decent normal living fr myself and at the same tym save some money?

Kindly help me through friends.:)

karthik939 wrote:


      Im Karthik from Pondicherry, India. Im a fresher in Mech Engg. I attended an interview conducted By Saud Bahwan Group from Muscat. I was selected for the position of Officer - Parts in their company. My salary wil b around 225 OMR including Accommodation, Food, transport(to & fro from the company), Medical, Insurance, airfare. I checked out the above posts by various ppl and found tat they are offering me a low salary. As far as i hav heard, SBG is a well known and famous automobile conglomerate in Oman.

My question is -  whether is it a good place to start my career in an automobile firm?

Is it possible for me to save some money from wat they offer?

I don not wanna indulge in any kind of lavish lifestyle at the beginning. I don not smoke or drink but i do eat a lot(lol) and occasionally watch movies and would like to travel and explore the country.

Can i make a decent normal living fr myself and at the same tym save some money?

Kindly help me through friends.:)

Hi karthik939,

SBG's Parts Division is in doldrums right now. Yes, they were right there on the top - till recently. Now they are down in the dumps.

Let me share with you what I had shared with another forum member who was in touch with the same group. This is so that you know what you are actually getting into.

SBG's Parts Division was manufacturing and selling counterfeit spares made in China as original Toyota spare parts from Japan.

They were caught red-handed and about 2 dozen or more senior personnel are now behind bars, pending enquiry, fines, imprisonment and finally deportation.

SBG's hard-earned name and reputation has gone to the dogs. This is a recent development – still many in the country are not aware of this. As the news spreads (though it is still very much under wraps), the damage it will do to the conglomerate would be unimaginable. SBG's credibility will take a serious beating.

The organization's hard-earned reputation has gone to the dogs. More deeper and thorough investigations have been initiated.

It will take SBG decades to redeem their name, even if such a thing can be possible, since they were really right there on the top.

I hope you have found the answers to your queries.

Good luck !

Tats sad. But apart from all those things which u said, is it possible for me to live wid a decent lifestyle with tat salary if its wid any othr company? Jus asking.

karthik939 wrote:

Tats sad. But apart from all those things which u said, is it possible for me to live wid a decent lifestyle with tat salary if its wid any othr company? Jus asking.

Come and check it out and experience how things are for yourself - firsthand. If they're not up to your expectations, tell your company in advance not to renew your employment visa at the end of the second year.

Salary is on the lesser side (irrespective of the company). In your case, your accommodation would be shared. Food is provided. So you will have only incidental expenses. Out of your salary amount, you can save up to 75%, if you want to. It is up to you to decide if that's enough or not.

Good luck !

Hi Sumitran,

Could you please let me know, how much salary IT companies will offer in Muscat for a 5 yrs experienced guy?

I am working in IT industry for the past 5 yrs and planning to switch the company. I have completed first round of interveiw in ITON Technlogies in Muscat and waiting for the second round.

Skill Sets : Mainframes (Natural Adabas, Cobol and JCL)
Domain : Banking
Experience : 5 yrs
Qualifications : B.TECH

Please let me know if you need any other information.


I am moving to Muscat in Sep. Have a family of 4 with2 kids 10 and 5. I have been offered a all inclusive package of 2600 OMR plus bonus. I am looking forward to a saving of Atleast 1500 OMR monthly
I have to take care of accommodation as other costs. Medical as family travel is covered by company once a year. Can anyone tell if the target is achievable. I will be working in Ruwi. Which are the good Indian localities and what kind of rentals for a 2 BHK around there. Look forward to comment please


aryu_ag wrote:

I am moving to Muscat in Sep. Have a family of 4 with2 kids 10 and 5. I have been offered a all inclusive package of 2600 OMR plus bonus. I am looking forward to a saving of Atleast 1500 OMR monthly
I have to take care of accommodation as other costs. Medical as family travel is covered by company once a year. Can anyone tell if the target is achievable. I will be working in Ruwi. Which are the good Indian localities and what kind of rentals for a 2 BHK around there. Look forward to comment please


You have been offered a good package and in order to avoid repeating the same words over and over again; kindly try to go through the five page thread related to cost of living in Muscat. Trust it has all the answers to all of your questions, believe me ;)


Hi All,

Could someone reply to my query.


gopi2304 wrote:

Hi Sumitran,

Could you please let me know, how much salary IT companies will offer in Muscat for a 5 yrs experienced guy?

I am working in IT industry for the past 5 yrs and planning to switch the company. I have completed first round of interveiw in ITON Technlogies in Muscat and waiting for the second round.

Skill Sets : Mainframes (Natural Adabas, Cobol and JCL)
Domain : Banking
Experience : 5 yrs
Qualifications : B.TECH

Please let me know if you need any other information.


Unfortunately we don't have on the forum a salary scale or data base indicating the average salary for each profession!!! Members inputs are pure personal inputs based on their experience and current profession.

Therefore, there is no ready answer to your query, you should wait till you get the advice of any of the members who are coming from the same bachground (If any)

Hope that helps,



I am having an offer for oman as a lecturer , i want to know the cost of leaving in oman . my location is not yet confirmed in oman . my salary is 900 OR with residence .please help me how will be the life and cost of leaving ?


a school is offering me, salary which is 272 omani riyal, i have a 2 years old daughter and myself. how i can survive in muscat,oman. and plz tell me what is station allowance means????