Cost of living in muscat

World is a small village

Have I been fleeced by my employer in Oman ? A consumer marketing company offered me a salary of 1200 RO (all inclusive salary) plus ,medicals and airfare annualy once. I am single and Now after joining I find that to find a fully furnished home in good locality I have to spend almost RO 700/800, wheras my company had told me that one can get a decent accomodatiuon within 400 RO per month. So 70% of my salary goes into rent, and even after that I have some or other repair cost in the house which I have to bear plus some money to pay to apartment security (which the company wont bear anyway). HAd a fever for 3 days and had to so some blood test, plus private clinic visit - spent almost 120 RO for everything test, clinic, check up and medicines. Now fine and okay. But when gave the bill to my company, they say you were not admitted in hospital, so this does not come under medical insurance and hence pay from your own pocket. I find saving very difficult at this salary, after all types of costs plus weekend outings. I think have been fleeced by my employer.

delhiman33 wrote:

Have I been fleeced by my employer in Oman ? A consumer marketing company offered me a salary of 1200 RO (all inclusive salary) plus ,medicals and airfare annualy once. I am single and Now after joining I find that to find a fully furnished home in good locality I have to spend almost RO 700/800, wheras my company had told me that one can get a decent accomodatiuon within 400 RO per month. So 70% of my salary goes into rent, and even after that I have some or other repair cost in the house which I have to bear plus some money to pay to apartment security (which the company wont bear anyway). HAd a fever for 3 days and had to so some blood test, plus private clinic visit - spent almost 120 RO for everything test, clinic, check up and medicines. Now fine and okay. But when gave the bill to my company, they say you were not admitted in hospital, so this does not come under medical insurance and hence pay from your own pocket. I find saving very difficult at this salary, after all types of costs plus weekend outings. I think have been fleeced by my employer.

Hi delhiman33,

I think you're thinking right :-( !

Good luck.


Good Morning.

700 Omani Riyal is a Very Good Salary.

You can save definitely a good amount, if your company is providing you accommodation.

Living of cost at Oman is very less, only thing is specially in Muscat area house rents are very high.

you not worry of your salary. Reaily it is very very good offer.

Hi All,

Since I saw Mr. Sumitran requesting to put queries in common for the benefit of all, here is mine.

The company in muscat has made final offer of 700 OMR+ Medical.

I am unsure as to whether this is acceptable. Can I save at least 400 OR after Accomodation, Food, Transportation and Telephone.

They will provide only Bachelor Visas.

The opportunity is into an industry which I have not experienced as a finance professional and also under world 4th largest in that industry too.

Please provide me your guidance

Now I have known how to save money on a 1200 rial salary being single. I dont go out doe weekend restaurant hopping with friends anymore. Only home and office - thats all I do. No extra spends on food and drinks, just chawal and sabzi. And not to fall ill (or fall sick) in Muscat ever - because clinics wants 100 rials minimum everytime u visit them (and govt hospitals dont lets we foreigners enter there). So office, home, sleep early, no AC, no extra spends on electricity, food or drinks or no spending on friends - and I can save some money from 1200 rials, as a single person.

I have got salary of 700 rial in oman with comapny providing accomodation and travel. Is the offer good . I am senior software engineer with package of 10 lacs in india.

Hi everybody there
I will move to work in Muscat with my family (3 kids, 2 of them at school),
so can any one tell me the excellent salary package to live there (no accommodation offered by the employer) and how much does the 3 bedroom apartment cost at Ghala area- Muscat.

and thanks to all


I am not in oman. but would like to say are u wanting to go to Oman just to earn 1.5lacs more?

Think whether u need to take the chance. See even after Acc and Trans u will have some expenses like Net eat outs, medical etc.

Only difference is in India u have Tax and there u dont have.

I am In India in the brink of going to Oman, But My salary in India and Oman are totally diff.

So thing from loss other than financial things in your case.

All the best.

An Indian inspired by Sumitran :-)

My question is similar. I have secured a teaching job in Muscat. The salary is 950 omr per month. My accommodation is paid as are my flights and medical insurance. Could I save much of my salary under these conditions? Any response would be a great help. Thanks.

Dear Doxie7,
If your question is similar, the answer is similar as well. Kindly help urself to read this post from the begining. You'll get more than the answers of all your queries.

Hi Mr Sumitran,

Love to read all your suggestions & comments,
well i have got an offer from one of business group of oman, the locality would be ruwi near muscat,
what would be the cost of living,my lifestyle is simple & so as my wife, they had offer me 600 OMR+accomodation+travel+mediacal+bonus+incentive,
we are jain people, we dont eat potato,onion etc....
pls tell us is that salary offer is reasonable?


Dshah wrote:

Hi Mr Sumitran,

Love to read all your suggestions & comments,
well i have got an offer from one of business group of oman, the locality would be ruwi near muscat,
what would be the cost of living,my lifestyle is simple & so as my wife, they had offer me 600 OMR+accomodation+travel+mediacal+bonus+incentive,
we are jain people, we dont eat potato,onion etc....
pls tell us is that salary offer is reasonable?


Hi Dshah,

For 2, the amount that you've quoted should more than suffice, especially since your company is providing you with an all-inclusive package. Your living expenses too seem modest.

I don't know if your salary is reasonable or not, since I do not know about your professional qualifications, past work experience, et al. And I do not want to know the details either.

Compare the income that you are earning now in India with what has been offered to you. Remember in Oman, there is no such thing as Income Tax. So what you earn is what you keep. That should help you decide.

Good luck.

Many thanks for the reply,

Just wanted to know how much cost im going to incure on food, im pure veg

Read all the posts and you will find answers to your queries.

Hi Sumitran,
I must appreciate your dedication and efforts that you give a detailed explanation to almost every queries coming your way.

I am a Electrical Engineer and have got an offer in Muscat. I'm Bachelor. I have certain queries regarding the cost of living:
They are offering me 350 RO + Bachelor accommodation + transportation to company + medical.

1. I don't smoke or drink what will be the food charges/month. i leave a simple life style.
2. How much would be the monthly cost of utilities like Internet, mobile charges (including international - home calling)?
3. I'm a fitness freak what will be the monthly charges of a gym.
4. with reference to above Expenses how much can I save.

(I've gone through your previous replies to others but bit confused so please do reply to my post)


Hi Sumitran,
I must appreciate your dedication and efforts that you give a detailed explanation to almost every queries coming your way.

I am a Electrical Engineer and have got an offer in Muscat. I'm Bachelor. I have certain queries regarding the cost of living:
They are offering me 350 RO + Bachelor accommodation + transportation to company + medical.

1. I don't smoke or drink what will be the food charges/month. i leave a simple life style.
2. How much would be the monthly cost of utilities like Internet, mobile charges (including international - home calling)?
3. I'm a fitness freak what will be the monthly charges of a gym.
4. with reference to above Expenses how much can I save.

(I've gone through your previous replies to others but bit confused so please do reply to my post)


Ateebbg wrote:

Hi Sumitran,
I must appreciate your dedication and efforts that you give a detailed explanation to almost every queries coming your way.

I am a Electrical Engineer and have got an offer in Muscat. I'm Bachelor. I have certain queries regarding the cost of living:
They are offering me 350 RO + Bachelor accommodation + transportation to company + medical.

1. I don't smoke or drink what will be the food charges/month. i leave a simple life style.
2. How much would be the monthly cost of utilities like Internet, mobile charges (including international - home calling)?
3. I'm a fitness freak what will be the monthly charges of a gym.
4. with reference to above Expenses how much can I save.

(I've gone through your previous replies to others but bit confused so please do reply to my post)


Hi Ateeb,

Some pointers to your queries are as follows :

•    Door-drop parcel service for 3-meals a day would cost about R.O. 30/- per month. 2-meals a day packages are also available.

•    Unlimited 3G downloads would cost about R.O. 20/- per month. Look at Omantel and Nawras websites for details.

•    As is elsewhere for GSM you have prepaid and postpaid services. Package details obviously are different. Again Omantel and Nawras websites should help you with the specifics.

•    There are quite a few gymnasiums that are available in Muscat. Rates vary depending on the package you prefer. Google ‘Horizon Fitness Centre'; ‘Balance Health & Fitness'. As you may probably be aware, all 5-★ / 4-★ hotels come with their own gym / health centres. You could join them too. Besides these ‘branded' gyms, there are numerous smaller ones sprinkled across various locations in downtown Muscat. Rates here a fraction of what the bigger labels would charge.

•    No one except yourself can answer your last question.

Note : If you are planning on trying to get yourself a local driving licence, then be prepared to forego your savings till such time you manage to get it. It is a seriously expensive proposition.

Best wishes.

Dear Ateeb,
Just to add a note on the gyming, please note that the branded gyms, as mentioned by Mr. Sumitran, which are located in 5/4 star hotels are considerably expensive. Usually, people prefer Horzon Gym which has branches all around Muscat (In almost every area). The charges are approximately 70 OMR per 6 months or around 120 OMR per annum, depending upon the packages.

However, i have come across a few local very cheap gyms in Ruwi area (That is comparitively cheaper for stay as well) that are as cheap as OMR 5 a month too. Hope this information would suffice.

thanks a lot for quickly replying to my post...
I've cleared my queries.

once again thanks a lot for - Mr. Sumitran & Mr. Schaz

i really appreciate for your replies which helps us a lot before making a move to the country.

I am a Singaporean working in Muscat. For the Salary that you will be getting, you can only rent a single Room as my present 2 bedroom apartment is already OMR 400.000. One Bedroom will cost you about OMR100.000


I am indian got 560 rial job and in that 300RO I can get on hand other all facilities provided by company. I am single. so is it ok
guide me.

Sorry for troubling you again,

Company is given me an final offer of 360 OMR+Housing(Intially as sharing for one year-which includes Electrivity,water,maintenance charge)+local transportation

my place of stay would be wadikabir near ruwi

15OMR after completing probation of 03 months

what u have say on this? I need to confirm by tomorrow


Hi Mr Sumitran,

Sorry for troubling you again,

Company is given me an final offer of 360 OMR+Housing(Intially as sharing for one year-which includes Electrivity,water,maintenance charge)+local transportation

my place of stay would be wadikabir near ruwi

15OMR after completing probation of 03 months

what u have say on this? I need to confirm by tomorrow


Dshah wrote:

Hi Mr Sumitran,

Sorry for troubling you again,

Company is given me an final offer of 360 OMR+Housing(Intially as sharing for one year-which includes Electrivity,water,maintenance charge)+local transportation

my place of stay would be wadikabir near ruwi

15OMR after completing probation of 03 months

what u have say on this? I need to confirm by tomorrow


Hi Dshah,

It is entirely your decision.

No one from this forum is going to pay your bills if you come to Muscat. You have to. So you must decide if you want to take up this offer or drop it.

I don't know what are your qualifications, past experience, or job profile is. I do not want to know either.

But for a bachelor, with all expenses (except food and maintenance cost taken care of), the amount that you have mentioned as the offered salary is okay. But certainly not exciting. Also, the amount mentioned now seems lesser than what you had quoted in your earlier post.

Don't bank too much on the salary getting increased by R.O. 150/- on the completion of your probationary period. It seldom happens. The employer can and will most likely say that they are not satisfied with your performance. The option you will be given during such circumstances will be to 'take it, or leave it'. After spending 3 months in a new country and in a new job, 'leaving it' to return to your country of origin is not very easy.

At the end of it all it is you who has to finally decide. My usual advice to people like you is : Compare your current earnings with what you are guaranteed to make in Muscat. Don't include the amounts promised till you get it in your hand. Also compare the lifestyle that you are leading now, against what you are likely to be given. That should be able to help you make up your mind.

Good luck.

hello sumitran

     I got job in muscat ruwi. 560MR in that 300 MR on hand. and other facilities provided by company. I did master in electronics and communication fresher. so guide me about this and also how about towellengineering company .

Thanks Mr Sumitran,

Did you heard about the company "Al-Ansari Group"

Any idea about the culture or the management?

sripathi wrote:

hello sumitran

     I got job in muscat ruwi. 560MR in that 300 MR on hand. and other facilities provided by company. I did master in electronics and communication fresher. so guide me about this and also how about towellengineering company .

Hi sripathi,

Towell Engineering Company is a well established business conglomerate in Oman.

If R.O. 300/- is what you will get in hand, then where does the remaining R.O. 260/- go for ? If it is for the "other facilities provided by the company" then it is a complete rip-off.

For Omani employees starting July 2013, the minimum wages is fixed at R.O. 325/-. That means even an illiterate vehicle driver must be paid that sum. Compare that with someone with your kind of an educational background and it just doesn't make sense. It's your call.

Best wishes.

Hi All,

I am a qualified CA currently working in Gurgaon. I got an offer from a leading company of Muscat. They have offered me 500 OMR + bachelors accommodation + health insurance + company's bus will come for pick and drop + food coupons at subsidized rates.

Can anyone pls help me with the cost of living in Muscat. I would be relocating alone to Muscat. How much I will be able to save? And also, what kind of opportunities are there in Finance domain.

As a CA, what kind of courses/ certifications can be done to enhance my knowledge and that will also be recognized in Muscat as well.


thank u for replay

I don't know why they fixed that salary but we knew well known person from that company ...for me they told its probationary period so its like that...beyond that I don't know. I want to know the towellengineering company is good or bad. because I don't know muscat.
if its like that how much minimum earning of mtech graduate. this is only for curiosity....

anyone knows if capital stores is a good company or not?
appreciate your help


Im extremely shocked to see the companies, hiring Masters of engineering in 300 Rials.  That too companies like towell.

Extremely shocking and disappointing.

Dear all,

I am an Indian Chartered Accountant and have got an offer from big 4 as a senior associate. The salary offered is 770 OMR. Is salary offered is reasonable considering 2.5 years of experience? The company will be providing return flight tickets once in a year.

Sumitran wrote:
sripathi wrote:

hello sumitran

     I got job in muscat ruwi. 560MR in that 300 MR on hand. and other facilities provided by company. I did master in electronics and communication fresher. so guide me about this and also how about towellengineering company .

Hi sripathi,

Towell Engineering Company is a well established business conglomerate in Oman.

If R.O. 300/- is what you will get in hand, then where does the remaining R.O. 260/- go for ? If it is for the "other facilities provided by the company" then it is a complete rip-off.

For Omani employees starting July 2013, the minimum wages is fixed at R.O. 325/-. That means even an illiterate vehicle driver must be paid that sum. Compare that with someone with your kind of an educational background and it just doesn't make sense. It's your call.

Best wishes.

Dear Mr. Sumitran

Earlier i had asked you about my job opportunity in Saud Bahwan Group. I mentioned by salary would be R.O. 255 + food, stay, transport from and to office, medical. In the above post u have stated tat from July 2013, minimum wages for omani employee is around R.O 325. Is this a new rule that they have made recently within a month or before itself?

Kindly help me out !!!

what is the minimum wages for an Engineering Graduate in Oman ???

karthik939 wrote:

what is the minimum wages for an Engineering Graduate in Oman ???

Expatriates do not have any minimum wages set. It is only for Omanis.

Regarding your previous query, read my post carefully.

My Bad..!!! Thank You Sir..!!!

Wisedolphin wrote:

anyone knows if capital stores is a good company or not?
appreciate your help


I just got a job at Ibra as an Instructor

I will make 1350 OR/month

I understand that:


2) Food - 100 OR

I am simple, no smoke, no drink, No Wife, No kids and NO lavish lifestyle


How much is rent in a good, safe neighbourhood, 2 bedrooms, furnished?



IS THERE LAUNDRY? how much would it cost for laundry?

Would you happen to know if teachers can live on campus?

Is the cost of water expensive? and gas? I dont cook much.

If anyone can give me a ballpark figure, please let me know, it would be greatly appreciated as I am uncertain if i should take the job offer

Answers to your queries have already been given - and given in detail.

All you have to do is locate the threads and read them all for a comprehensive idea of what living in Muscat / Oman is all about.