Which do you prefer a Bearded Man or the clean shaven?

@ haggishunter: so finally he comes for ever?

Clean I,m sure looks nice and gives fresh look.

right now im having beard and mustach and it looks good for me hihihi :)

Husband is finally home. :one:proud:one
His beard was bushy but this morning he trimmed it for me, like what it was when i saw him last year :D

I am really, really happy for you two!!!!

Hubby came home on the 10th. he had been back to pakistan for 3 months on business.
his beard had emigrated off chin. But once hove he shaved it so it sits on chin :heart:
Still cant buy his aftershave tho :(

I don't mind guys with short beards though, as long as they still look good on it :) I think those that overdo it (think ponytailed or pigtailed beards) are a bit you know :/ but who cares anyway, its their own face!

However, a clean shaven face gives me an impression that the guy has a neat personality. :)

I'll shave him myself if that's what it takes.

But there's no way I'll let him shave me.

annekoolit wrote:

I don't mind guys with short beards though, as long as they still look good on it :) I think those that overdo it (think ponytailed or pigtailed beards) are a bit you know :/ but who cares anyway, its their own face!

However, a clean shaven face gives me an impression that the guy has a neat personality. :)

yeah it doesn't matter since the beard is tidy and clean, so the bearded one is sometimes wanted more than shaved ones
for ex. Mas fred the jumping sheep has a big beard covering his body from head to toes but still cute...

hubby beard is growing on me now :D

I found this thread, beardly interesting :proud

"you can trimm your mustach and let your beard grow", pbuh.

Clean shave is good. Shows decency and neatness

haggishunter wrote:

hubby beard is growing on me now :D


Salman Omrani wrote:

I found this thread, beardly interesting :proud

It's not even a full thread, more like a stubble.

adamjohnson13 wrote:

Clean shave is good. Shows decency and neatness

Are men with beards indecent?

i like shaved men. because i am clean shave.

well, i dont judge people for their ..ehm.. interests..

lukme wrote:

i like shaved men. because i am clean shave.

Are you trying to tell us something?

"bearding" has been the norm in many cultures for generations.
personally see it as a good thing. #realmenthings

None as I am straight lol

the guy was banned? .... for being straight? lol! #justkidding :P

It is the distinguishing mark between men and female and also a sign to distinguish men and show full elegance

Which one is better? A big bushy beard? Or a long thin, wise kung fu master beard?

now thats called getting carried away mate.


lukereg wrote:

Which one is better? A big bushy beard? Or a long thin, wise kung fu master beard?

I'm not sure if you could pull off a Fu Manchu.  You might look like a Sherlock Holmes villain.

Do you know what scares me off?
When men have a beard like a goat on their chin. a small spot under their lower lip and a vague small lined mustache on their upper lip.

But most of all I saw a picture of a woman who stopped to pull out her facial hair. And the fun part was that she said that she feels more woman then ever before.

lolz my bf he looks better, and more mature with lil beard then clean shaven, some facial hair looks sexy on him ;-)

I like the Fu Manchu look I think it would get me far

Primadonna wrote:

Do you know what scares me off?
When men have a beard like a goat on their chin.

I saw a guy with a small dog on his head once.

lukereg wrote:

I like the Fu Manchu look I think it would get me far

Do it, but be sure to post a picture here.

I am clean shaved man.  Some man in some countries likes to have bearded because it is their devotion with their religion while some man do not like to have bearded. It is totally depends on the wish of a person either he remain clean shave or bearded. I think you should not hate any person due to bearded because it is his own personal matter and we should not prejudice on the basis of physical appearance.

I feel,

(Fred game me this idea...)


I prefer both. My husband still sexy man.:D
Meaning he has been clean shaven and now got a beard

Today I saw a men who has half grey hair and has a beard which has the same length as the beard of Salman.
But he dyed his beard with henna and in turned into carrot orange.

Now he glows in the dark so he doesn't have to switch on the light :lol:

LOL! :lol:

but does it look good or bad?

What do you think Salman?

I like carrots - but not so much if they glow in the dark.


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