Hi all

Hi guys, not been on for quite some time due to family illness, however, all is good and slowly getting back on track, so how has the past year gone, job market, incomes, schooling... i used to talk to Jimiptv's wife Bev but neither seem to have been on since October, are they still with you all???

I havent seen Jim or Bev lately actually... dont know where they are....

I think Jim had some bits to sort out in the UK..

Not really much difference on the rock apart from it being one of the Coldest Februarys ever .....brrrrrrrrr...

The job Market seems ok but depending upon what you are looking for... and the icomes havent moved really still about the same as last year...

When are you coming over or are you still in limbo there ??


last i heard Jim was in UK....

Hiya, spoke with Bev and they did have to come back to the uk, but are hoping to be back in Malta in June. x