Looking for South East European female friends for going out

Hi there I am Polish married here in Jordan . After six months i cant still find my self here . I dont know maybe for cultural changes . I wish is there someone who also is feeling alone in house and waiting for husband for coming back from work . I love enjoying shopping and going out for walking , chatting and meeting new people , but this country is scarring me :( if there is second person which can share with me the same experience and become my fiend maybe also family friend i would be glad to join this forum . Please write to me am  so happy to go out and enjoy this coming nice sunny days :) I speak English and polish , not Arabic :( but i  wish to learn . I waiting for some replies   :)))))

Ok call me. May be we can waste some time together.

lol scary????????????? haha I am a Jordanian girl and there's NOTHING scary about Jordan, U just need to have Local cool friends to enjoy ur time girl lol

hey u can contact me in private if you wnt, maybe we can hang out together some times and introduce u to some fun things we do over here :p

Oh and by the way I am half Macedonian so I guess it counts :p

it's Drk.harb @ yahoo . com


Hi. I am a Jordanian female living in Amman. I lived abroad for quite long, therefore I have found a lot of difficulty in finding true and close friends I regret to say. As a result I am feeling extremely lonely.

I have met many females but they have a very different mentality from mine, with all my respect to everyone.(So please do not misunderstand my words).

I would like to meet new females who come from Europe, USA, Australia, or New Zealand and live in Amman.

If interested, please contact me at: dina.berti.@yahoo.com, and we could arrange to meet.

Hi, and nice to 'meet' you. I too am a Jordanian female. I am feeling very lonely, asI lived abroad for quite long.

I'd be happy to meet you some day. If you're interested, please contact me at:


Meanwhile, take care and best reagrds, hoping to hear from you soon.

Hello and nice to 'meet' you. Are you willing to meet someone in person, and not only via the net?

I am Jordanian and live in Amman, but don't have many close and true friends. So I would like to get to know females in person. If interested please contact me.

Best regards.

Hi, I read your post. I am a Jordanian female who lived abroad for quite long and then returned to my homeland. Therefore I am facing the same difficulties you are having: I just have NOT been able to make close and TRUE friends. I am feeling VERY LONELY in my homeland. I am now looking for FEMALE friends, preferably those whose nationality is from: Europe, USA, Australia or New Zealand. I have not been able to get along with Arab females, let alone males.

If interested, pease contact me.

Best regards.

H. I sent you a message earlier. Did you receive it or not?

Appreciate an answer, thanks and best regards.

@ Bettydana:

you were posting on a very old and inactive thread and the original poster will probably not answer you.
It looks like you are very desperate but it doesn't help you to post several times the same replies.

To increase your chance on female friends and expend your social network, it is a good idea to tell a bit more about yourself. What kind of interests do you have? What kind of study you did abroad and where? Why you returned back? What do you think are the differences between Arab women and Western women and why?
What do you like to do? Do you have a preference for age?

Participating and sharing your experiences on the several boards on this blog will increase your reputation and before you know it, your list of contact requests grows.

Hi there. Believe me Jordan is getting somewhat scary:it is not the safe place it used to be NIGHT and DAY long. I remember I used to go out at sunset, return home at NIGHT when it was PITCH BLACK, safely thank GOD. However, I wouldn't do it for 'millions of dinars/dollars/STG....you name it, these days.

The trouble is that so many refugees have come in and there are so many different NATIONALITIES in the country today. Personally I agree with whoever sid 'this place is scary.'

Excuse me , I don't know how you made your opinion that jordan "scary " , I know many people whom won't share this opinion with you,,, I would appreciate if you review your opinion unless you have a personal experience that give you this view .
Best regards.

Primadona  :top:

Actually,i'm about to say the same things too  :/

bettydana wrote:

The trouble is that so many refugees have come in and there are so many different NATIONALITIES in the country today. Personally I agree with whoever sid 'this place is scary.'

Thanks to all those nationalities the Jordan  economy grows every day which every Jordanian have the benefits of it.

Tell me one country where its completely safe. I will tell you: none.

Hi and nice to meet you via the net.

I too a looking for female friends and have not really found many. I am a Jordanian female who lived abroad for long, so I understand you when you said you are facing difficulties here in making friends.

Would like to meet you. You can contact me here, so as to plan something.

Bes regards, and hope to hear from you soon.