Dear All Expats / Locals,,,,

I think there needs to be some sort of a group which promotes get togethers, parties, picnics, specifically relating to fun..
MALDIVES is a beautiful place and we need to make it more happening by enjoying and enjoyment is multiplied when there is involvement of people and the time has come that we need to enjoy.

Any takers for this idea / gameplan.

PLEASE enjoy each and every moment of your life............:)

:top: you're right,i agree!

SO I take you as intereseted in the option.
How abt. HIH....

edvilyn wrote:

:top: you're right,i agree!

yea,..H.I.H. is ok,
but in the bar locals are not allowed,any other options,man?:P

I m inviting options from the forum.
For a start we can all meet up at HIH for short eats.
But lets do something.

edvilyn wrote:

yea,..H.I.H. is ok,
but in the bar locals are not allowed,any other options,man?:P

no band at d bar i wan told..... if not mistaken band only on some day at the cafe 3rd floor..
go to resort island can be expensive.... how about trip to other populated island ..

Thats a gr8 idea
Lets plan a trip to some inhabited island and have fun...
But lets do it and not waste time.
