Packing Vital Documents

Hello Expatriates:

My name is Diane and I will be coming this year to Cuenca.  AS I am doing my packing up, I am concerned as to how I should transport vital documents such as tax returns, bank documents, etc.  These documents have vital information and would not like to get that info leaked, but it is too cumbersome to scan.  If you could share how you managed this important task, I would be greatly appreciated.


Hi Diane,

We are taking our tax returns for the past seven years, some veterinarian papers for our puppies, our wills, and the final papers for the sale of our house. Everything else we have or will have shredded. We're not keeping any banking papers such as statements or Visa, no bills or receipts either, we're not keeping any insurance or car papers, or any other stuff, as none of it is required to be kept. What we are taking will all be packed in our luggage.

We hope this helps...
Cheryn and Bruce

Hi Cheryn and Bruce:

I greatly appreciate your reply.

Will you be packing those items in carryon luggage or checked luggage.  I have so much to include for carryon that I will probably fall over from the weight (luggage that is!) :D.  Organizing all of this for a move is exhausting!

Thank you and happy trails to Ecuador!

Hi Diane,

Sorry we have taken so long to get back to you but we have been very busy!

We packed all our important documents in our carry-on luggage so we never lost sight of them. If you try really hard you can whittle them down to a lot less than you think.

All the best in your travels to Cuenca. Feel free to contact us when you get here.

Cheryn and Bruce

Hi cheryn & Bruce,

It looks like you get your internet!!!!!

Vinny  ;)

We sure did!

Hi Diane, I just saw your question. In case it helps, here is what I did. Everything prior to 7 years destroyed, tax returns and pertaining papers of the last 7 years labelled and given to my accountant. All past credit card statements etc. destroyed, only kept the last statement of each with the closing of account info on it and brought it with me. Such a liberating experience it was! We accumulate so much paper!

As to how to bring what you are bringing, the very hard to replace was in my carry-on. Surprise ! Just before getting on the flight from Miami : sorry Sir, your carry-on is too fat...and hop it goes to be checked before I even got to scream! Everything went ok and I got it back upon arrival but this was the most horrifying flight I've had. So make sure your carry-on is not bulging. Mitri


Thank you so much for sharing you experience involving your travel to Cuenca with your vital documents. that was some story of losing sight of them!  I have already weeded out and birth cert, bank docs, are among those I will take on board.  You surely made a good point thru your exp. NOT TO PACK TOO MUCH INTO ONE CARRYON BAG!!!! And that is a good point taken.

I hope you are loving it in Cuenca and I hope to see you both when my time comes!  Diane